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The Ukraine Vs. Russia Conflict. What do you all think?

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  • The Ukraine Vs. Russia Conflict. What do you all think?

    What do you all think about what's going on between Russia and the Ukraine? Do you all think that it's the beginning of World War III?
    What do you all think?

  • #2
    its getting very close to world war 3. Watching the news from all over the world is begining to be a consern. All of the countrys of the world that are part of NATO are using sanctions more then ever. the question is it enough?


    • #3
      Originally posted by OJ006 View Post
      its getting very close to world war 3. Watching the news from all over the world is begining to be a consern. All of the countrys of the world that are part of NATO are using sanctions more then ever. the question is it enough?
      Yeah, I agree. In the news, they said the Putin already prepared for the sanctions. They said that Putin saved billions in case he got sanctioned. I'm not sure if the sanctions are enough.


      • #4
        This is biblical prophecy Babylon (USA) will be bombed by Gog and Magog (Russia) ...it's gunna be world war 3...the black man should be happy....our enemies r soon to be taken out


        • #5
          I, For one... do not really care about that entire war. The reason being, no one cares when African countries are experiencing similar situations. I refuse to be involved with their issues until they pay reparations. Even then... im going to mind my black business. Our community needs plenty of work. Gotta get our own house in order first!


          • #6
            What the **** did the Ukraine ever have to do with a black man?

