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Small city taken over in TN as soon as they get economic boost from Ford.

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  • Small city taken over in TN as soon as they get economic boost from Ford.

    What do you all think about this? This is one of the main reasons why blacks cannot gain wealth. This incident shows why blacks stay poorer than anyone else.

    Click on the link below to read the story.

    Tennessee Comptroller Jason Mumpower has asked the town of Mason, predominantly Black and near a new Ford campus, to give up its charter.

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    What do you all think about this? This is one of the main reasons why blacks cannot gain wealth. This incident shows why blacks stay poorer than anyone else.

    Click on the link below to read the story.
    Check out this video on the matter.


    • #3
      I have been on Twitter posting information on this. It's a bold White Supremacist takeover going on in real-time. One among many. What details I was able to glean indicates that Jason (?) Mumpower, the WS Comptroller is supposed to sit down with the Mayor and his team to get the matter resolved. Mumpower said he will not try to take the cities Charter, however echoing the Vice Mayor, I will not believe a word until something is in writing.

