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Chinese surgeons remove the organs of death-row inmates while still alive.

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  • Chinese surgeons remove the organs of death-row inmates while still alive.

    I don't know what it is with China. But, it seems like some of the things that they do are weird. They are harvesting the organs of death-row inmates while the inmates are still alive. That is gross to me. Anyway, read the article below, and tell me what you think.

    Shocking secrets about China's clandestine organ harvesting trade have been uncovered in a study from the Australian National University, which examined thousands of Chinese medical papers.

  • #2
    I find it different in China comparison to Western cultures when it comes to the right of life. If you've ever watched the Netflix show I am mother it explains a specific scene about the right of a person to save one life with one of their own organs to save the many. I would also say that it's close to having any form of Marxist indoctrination in their society. These are just my thoughts and I will link the video that I'm talking about.

