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Al Sharpton telling Black folks…..“We can’t just fight for our tribe.” Fight for Latinos, Jews, etc

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  • Al Sharpton telling Black folks…..“We can’t just fight for our tribe.” Fight for Latinos, Jews, etc

    I'm sorry Al. But, black people need to only worry about black people. If the shoe was on the other foot, none of these other ethnic groups would even dream of helping blacks. I know that you mean well AL. But, black people have to start looking out for each other.


  • #2
    Poor delusion Al. The groups he mentioned all benefited from the struggles our elders endured during the Civil Rights Movement, yet none of those groups have shown a willingness to fight along black people in present day. We have no allies, and we should stop pretending to fight for people that don't fight for us.
    Last edited by JoeDueces; 05-20-2022, 07:59 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by JoeDueces View Post
      Poor delusion Al. The groups he mentioned ask benefited from three struggles our elders endured during the Civil Rights Movement, yet none of those groups have shown a willingness to fight along black people in present day. We have no allies, ask we should stop pretending to fight for people that don't fight for us.
      I totally agree.

