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Keeping The Faith...Recent mass shootings begs the question: Can you be Christian and racist?

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  • Keeping The Faith...Recent mass shootings begs the question: Can you be Christian and racist?

    This was a very good article on Yahoo! I know that I am not racist. I'm cool with people who are cool with me. However, I ain't no fool either. Apparently, to these other ethnic groups, a Christian CAN be racist with how they treat black people. I went through so much hell trying to get my degree and graduate that I almost fell into a TOTAL DEPRESSION. The racism coming at me from every conceivable angle made my experience in college a terrible one. I could only count on one hand the days that I had at school that were good.

    If a black man is not careful, he could end up with a totally wasted life. One thing that I made sure to do, was to always stick to my goals. I didn't waste time, just so I could look back and feel like a REAL failure. I made sure to graduate from College. I wasn't going to stop until I got that degree. I made sure to write my book, because, If I didn't write it, eventually, I would have FORGOTTEN all the things that I went through being a young black man, at the time, going through all of that racism. I wrote it all down, so other black men can actually read what regular black men are put through in this society.

    Black men, have to make sure to set goals and STICK to them. Otherwise, when you get to a certain age and look back, if you didn't try to accomplish something, you are going to feel like a total loser. With me, I made sure that I graduated from College, wrote a book, and got married. The marriage didn't work out. However, I think that I will get married again one of these days.

    Anyway, I am going to say this, I don't think you can be a Christian and be racist. However, I ain't going to be no fool either. All of these other groups hate blacks. Many of them still pray to Jesus every night. I don't understand why people are that way. Anyway, read the article below:
    The Rev. Susan K. Smith is the founder of Crazy Faith Ministries in Columbus and this week's Keeping the Faith columnist.