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Asian man spat on, kicked repeatedly and told 'Go back to China' at McDonald’s in Maryland

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  • Asian man spat on, kicked repeatedly and told 'Go back to China' at McDonald’s in Maryland

    Man, I tell you this, Asians have been going through it ever since COVID-19 hit. I don't like when anybody gets discriminated against for who they are. However, I am going to say this, I remember, before COVID-19, Asians were racist as hell. They made my life into a living hell in Cali when I was young. Asians, both male and female, were racist. However, the women were racist out of control. They made my life terrible at college. They would blurt out insults about black men at school, they were racist everywhere I turned. Now, they are getting a taste of what it feels like to be black. People should treat others like they want to be treated, because you never know when you could become the n*****r.

  • #2
    Damn you had quite the experience with them.


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post
      Damn you had quite the experience with them.
      Yep. I sure did. They were out of control racist back in the late 90's early 2000's.


      • jasondreamweaver
        jasondreamweaver commented
        Editing a comment

        They ain't changed that much