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Black Americans Are Purchasing Guns To Protect Themselves In Wake Of Buffalo WS Shooting

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  • Black Americans Are Purchasing Guns To Protect Themselves In Wake Of Buffalo WS Shooting

    In the mists of current events, I see that in the American constitution the right to bare arms is a must with the threat of WS. As a Canadian watching things in real time with very restricted guns laws here with very few gun crimes, we see the world changing in the U.S. If you can't have gun restrictions and your having mass shooting in mass, the right to bare arms makes sense. I would go further the right to assemble a militia and protect your communities from not just WS, but also corrupt government organization's like the police. This is not new to most Black Americans but your rights have been blocked so much they are putting you and your family's in danger. When I saw this from Uncle Phil his numbers are not wrong on black owned gun purchases because of the mass shooting on racialized communities by WS. Please tell me what you guys think of this?

    note: WS is White supremacists

  • #2
    That's sad.

    Fear mongering is never a good response to a tragedy. That's what this video is doing

    The likelihood hood of gun violence increases with guns in the home

