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Low-caste Indian boy dies after beating by teacher, family says.

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  • Low-caste Indian boy dies after beating by teacher, family says.

    India and their caste systems. I heard about the Dalits. I think that they are the black people of India. A whole lot of Indians try to bring their castes over here against blacks. The Dalits need to fight for their human rights.
    The family of an Indian teenager from India's lowest Hindu social caste said he died on Monday after being beaten with a stick by a school teacher for making a spelling error during class, and police said they were investigating. Relatives of Nikhit Kumar, 15, said he was declared dead by doctors in the Auriya district of northern Uttar Pradesh state 19 days after the corporal punishment was meted out by his teacher on a private school campus. "At first my nephew was beaten brutally by the teacher and then abused as we are Dalits," said Rishi Kumar, an uncle of the boy.

  • #2
    India's caste system is among the world's oldest forms of rigid social stratification.

    And they wanna export that ideology here.


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post
      India's caste system is among the world's oldest forms of rigid social stratification.

      And they wanna export that ideology here.
      Exactly. They need to keep their crappy caste system over there. They come over here and try to pull that caste system crap on blacks. I've been noticing that many Indians are becoming victims of hate crimes. Back in the early 2000's that was unheard of. I had to go to school with a bunch of racist Indians. It wasn't all of them, but it was quite a few of them. The Dalits need to fight for their human rights.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post

        Exactly. They need to keep their crappy caste system over there. They come over here and try to pull that caste system crap on blacks. I've been noticing that many Indians are becoming victims of hate crimes. Back in the early 2000's that was unheard of. I had to go to school with a bunch of racist Indians. It wasn't all of them, but it was quite a few of them. The Dalits need to fight for their human rights.
        No one who wipes their butt with their bare hands are in no position to be judgmental and pretentious


        • #5
          HAHAHAH!! Exactly.​

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