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Nearly 70% of Americans are looking for extra work to combat inflation.

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  • Nearly 70% of Americans are looking for extra work to combat inflation.

    Yeah. Inflation is no joke.

  • #2
    This was bound to happen bc of the gig economy.

    0 to data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve, nearly 5% of Americans hold multiple jobs and 440,000 Americans hold two full-time jobs —a record high.

    Having people think being private contractors while companies save on fringe benefits like employee matching and health insurance is actually something Obama caused

    But both sides of the aisle were quiet. So I don't care about.the right pointing out something they could have prevented. Where's that new healthcare plan to replace Obamacare.


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post
      This was bound to happen bc of the gig economy.

      0 to data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve, nearly 5% of Americans hold multiple jobs and 440,000 Americans hold two full-time jobs —a record high.

      Having people think being private contractors while companies save on fringe benefits like employee matching and health insurance is actually something Obama caused

      But both sides of the aisle were quiet. So I don't care about.the right pointing out something they could have prevented. Where's that new healthcare plan to replace Obamacare.
      Good points.

