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The guy ask's why is the working for Latinos? Listen what she says..

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  • The guy ask's why is the working for Latinos? Listen what she says..

    That entire new cast is just great. Just looking at the one new cast you can come to conclusion okay. They play a lady and her daughter boo hooing about how they want to have the American dream, etc... Border stuff need to stop now. Later in the same new cast they report we can't really buy nothing for the holidays because of inflation and how is costing $80k per each bussing of them to different places.,etc. Then comes the cocky chick where I time stamped the link, this section is talking about how Latinos impact on voting. The chick he was interviewing they said was from the same place the lady at the boarder was seeking asylum from. They literally coming in seeking asylum and changing the politics. People from African counties need to roll up in here.