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Biden Announces New Steps To Tackle Anti-Asian Violence And Discrimination

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  • #16
    Here's the next sayer. The 3 billion is for all of those colleges together. But not all those groups of people have made the contribution as well as the sacrifice as black people. Have any statistics come out to demonstrate how much money went to the formerly enslaved people? Why do I get a feeling that once it's all said and done, we will be in the same place where we are with his executive orders - nowhere. Yet, he has executive orders that he signed on television in front of the world that relate to asians, gays, and other groups. No executive order for the people who put him in office. At least the GOP knows who their base is and they have sense enough to pander to them. Biden and your "America is not a racist country pickaninny" have demonstrated that you can kiss their asses and take what crumbs they throw your way. May they get what they deserve.


    • NYC Noir
      NYC Noir commented
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      Of course it's $3bn for all of them combined! Didn't you read my comment and notice the commas? Duh. Even still, how much has the GOP given at all? How much have they approved at all? Point to any legislation that the GOP has sponsored that directly benefits us?

      Lastly, I will NEVER vote with open, unapologetic racists. What black person would ever vote with "former" KKK members?! You all are straight tripping.

  • #17
    That first sentence was supposed to say here is a naysayer


    • #18
      Whatever happen to protect black People? Wow I knew 46 wasn’t going to do **** for black People.


      • #19


        • #20
          Only if its us.. They not charging whites with hate crimes. The killer of the Asian shop keepers says he was just horny for them. So he killed them out of lust..


          • #21
            Originally posted by NYC Noir View Post
            Joe Biden's and the Democrat's American Rescue Plan gives $3 billion in funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). Where are those Jim Crow Joe naysayers? The plan overall helps blacks and not 1 GOP member voted for the bill.
            You are accepting the benefits before even finding out what they are. Just because someone says they are giving money, ESPECIALLY THE US GOV, doesn't mean it will help. That doesn't even mean it will actually go to colleges and universities. Catch up and recognize that when the US gov promises something to Black people it never works in our favor, that usually its to show some kindness so they can keep people believing in their terrible plans. In the end it is adjusted and adapted to screw over Black people.


            • NYC Noir
              NYC Noir commented
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              I know what the benefits are - they are laid out in the Plan. I read the Plan. I know exactly what's in said Plan. Have you read the Plan? How will giving direct financial assistance not help? So your paychecks from your employer don't help you feed yourself? Various HBCUs have already commented on receiving said funds. In early April, the administration canceled roughly $1.5 billion in debt accrued by Black colleges through the HBCU Capital Finance Program, which allows the institutions to refinance existing debt and make infrastructure repairs and renovations. Additionally, they expanded Pell which also benefits many black students. Again, not 1 GOP member voted for this Plan, but they have been going around taking credit for it.

              You need to catch up.

            • NYC Noir
              NYC Noir commented
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              You can vote however you like, but I will NEVER vote with open and unapologetic racists! I will NEVER understand any black person who would
              vote with David Duke (with his "former" KKK associates), Jeff Sessions, the Oath Keepers, 3 Percenters, and other openly racists GOP. That is simply crazy! There may be racists in the Dem party, but they are certainly not the majority and NONE are open and proud of it! GOP is a haven for racists whites and confused blacks and Latinos.
              Last edited by NYC Noir; 05-17-2021, 01:17 AM.

          • #22
            Asians americans have donated massive amounts of money to the proud boys to stop blm . Google it . Facts of story on ny times , usa today , news week , the daily beast , the daily mail and reddit . Read people.


            • #23
              OP is falling victim to political double talk and weasel words.

              Jim Crow Joe and Skamala are as anti-black as they come.

              The days of political immaturity and voting democrat without cause are over.

              Democrats and republicans are equally racist. Intelligent black people vote according to their interests, not their emotions.


              • #24
                This is Just Dog whistle Politics. It's to let the Asians know that it's time to join forces with the white supremacists.


                • #25
                  No George Floyd bill yet but Asians got a law and they being assaulted we been my killed


                  • Radone73
                    Radone73 commented
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                    Asian are honorary white supremacists, this bill proves it

                  • Cjraid
                    Cjraid commented
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                    I believe the George Floyd bill gives police more money

                • #26
                  It will be used against Black people, this law will be abused


                  • #27
                    If black people start taking care of just black people, then we could have economical power and make our own political power. Separation

