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‘I cry every time I think about it’: Asian woman says she was denied entry to Nevada casino in racial profiling complaint.

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  • ‘I cry every time I think about it’: Asian woman says she was denied entry to Nevada casino in racial profiling complaint.

    Man, Asians can dish it out, but they can't take it. I remember years ago, an Asian woman was crying because she got discriminated against in housing. They cannot handle dealing with the stuff blacks deal with. However, they can sure dish it out though. Asians are some of the most racist people that I have ever come across; and their racism ain't funny either. Before COVID, they were out of control with their racism against blacks.

  • #2
    I say this to my black friends some of them look at me crazy. In the US I have only had long term interactions with two that were not atleast overtly racist and one was a lady but that was only because she wanted to try out a black dude and she trusted this one because we worked together.


    • #3
      I hear you bruh. I'm not sure how Asians are in other states, but Cali? When I was in college, they were extremely racist against blacks. Not just school, but outside of school too. They would blurt out racial epithets towards any black man that looked like a nice guy, and do all types of racist stuff aimed at black people. I wrote about them extensively in my book.


      • Somebodysunclephil
        Somebodysunclephil commented
        Editing a comment
        which one 7 steps or passive aggressive? I'll most likely end getting both, I don't like to read for fun. But I'll get the paperback of the one you are recommending for this comment? Then try to see if I can get it the kindle version work with my text reader on my phone so I can listen to it. I'll add to my collection, (PowerNomics and stuff, even checked out Mr. Watkins.)

    • #4
      I bought both of Phil's books. I read them both. They were pretty good. I wrote a book too. I wrote it a long time ago. If you want to pick it up. You can click the link. I think I have it in PDF and Paperback. I may put it on kindle in the future.
      An in-depth look into the thoughts of a young black male as he struggles to forge a path for himself in a rather racist, hate-filled world around him.


      • #5
        Ive never interacted with Asians much so I never experienced their racism...but I'm not surprised ....

