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Shocking moment Taliban thug WHIPS female students outside Afghanistan university: Ministry of Virtue official lashes out at women in hijabs for not wearing full body-covering burkas.

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  • Shocking moment Taliban thug WHIPS female students outside Afghanistan university: Ministry of Virtue official lashes out at women in hijabs for not wearing full body-covering burkas.

    I always trip out when many black women act like black men are the worst men on Earth. I wonder how long they would be able to survive being treated like the Arabs treat their women for getting out of line. The women from that country are extremely oppressed. Many black women talk about us like dogs in comparison to other men. They say things like we are congquered kangs, and all of that other mess.

    Female students at Badakhshan University in northeastern Afghanistan, said they were barred from entering the campus by Taliban officials from the Ministry of Virtue and Vice.

  • #2
    It's interesting how the pointed out how the male students just walked past like it's business as usual.


    • #3
      Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
      I always trip out when many black women act like black men are the worst men on Earth. I wonder how long they would be able to survive being treated like the Arabs treat their women for getting out of line. The women from that country are extremely oppressed. Many black women talk about us like dogs in comparison to other men. They say things like we are congquered kangs, and all of that other mess.
      They have been subjugated by Arabs and whites yet they claim we have a long history it mistreating and undervaluing them.

      They act like we ain't in the sane boat


      • #4
        Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

        They have been subjugated by Arabs and whites yet they claim we have a long history it mistreating and undervaluing them.

        They act like we ain't in the sane boat

