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With Western Weapons, Ukraine Is Turning the Tables in an Artillery War.

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  • With Western Weapons, Ukraine Is Turning the Tables in an Artillery War.

    I bet you Russia didn't think that it would be this hard to beat the Ukrainians. Thanks to U.S. weaponry, the Ukrainians are putting one hell of a fight.
    KHERSON REGION, Ukraine — On the screen of a thermal imaging camera, the Russian armored personnel carrier disappeared in a silent puff of smoke. “What a beautiful explosion,” said 1st Lt. Serhiy, a Ukrainian drone pilot who watched as his weapon buzzed into a Russian-controlled village and picked off the armored vehicle, a blast that was audible seconds later at his position about 4 miles away. “We used to cheer, we used to shout, ‘Hurray!’ but we’re used to it now,” he said. Sign up for The Mo

  • #2
    Yes but this isn't our fight

    What do these guys got on Biden,


    • #3
      You are right. It's not our fight.


      • #4
        I think Ukraine is losing the war badly. They may achieve a few victories here and there but they are losing territory at an alarming rate.
        my prediction is by the end of winter if Western powers don't put their troops on the ground or stage an event to blame Russia, I predict that Russia will end the war in it's favor...
        A good source to follow the Ukraine coverage is a guy on Facebook and YouTube by the name is T. West and his page is called, Afrisynergy.


        • #5
          I hear you.

