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Mitch McConnell Votes Against Interracial Marriage Bill Despite Asian Wife.

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  • Mitch McConnell Votes Against Interracial Marriage Bill Despite Asian Wife.

    Mitch McConnell is a hypocrite. I bet you, I know which type of interracial relationships that he probably had a problem with...The black man / non-black woman kind.
    The Senate voted to move forward with the Respect for Marriage Act with a bipartisan majority of 62 on Wednesday.

  • #2
    He's the embodiment of cutting one's nose off to spite their face. I guess it's ride or die for team white supremacy, no matter your personal beliefs. What's crazy is only 6% of the country disagrees with interracial marriage, and they're voting on behalf of the whole country.

    It's one of the starkest statistical changes in American opinion.


    • #3


      • #4
        Originally posted by JoeDueces View Post
        He's the embodiment of cutting one's nose off to spite their face. I guess it's ride or die for team white supremacy, no matter your personal beliefs. What's crazy is only 6% of the country disagrees with interracial marriage, and they're voting on behalf of the whole country.
        This is more about gay marriage which much more recently put in place. White gays tied this to miscegenation laws to make it pass.

        They usually ride of the backs of other hence why he took that Chance


        • #5
          Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
          Mitch McConnell is a hypocrite. I bet you, I know which type of interracial relationships that he probably had a problem with...The black man / non-black woman kind.
          I don't doubt that but I think this was more against gay marriage. If it was in the bill alone a lot of other conservatives would have voted the same


          • #6
            I see.

