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NYC subway rider beaten and called a racial slur for refusing to give up his seat, police say.

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  • NYC subway rider beaten and called a racial slur for refusing to give up his seat, police say.

    I notice that alot of black folks are committing hate crimes against Asians. Committing crimes against them, makes us no better than people who commit crimes against us for being black. Don't get me wrong, I don't care for Asians much either, from my personal experience living in the Bay Area, but I am against committing crimes against any innocent person; regardless of race.
    Two New York City teenagers were charged with hate crime assault after they allegedly beat a subway passenger who refused to give up his seat and directed anti-Asian statements toward him, police said.

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    I notice that alot of black folks are committing hate crimes against Asians. Committing crimes against crimes against them, makes us no better than people who commit crimes against us for being black. Don't get wrong, I don't care for Asians much either, from my personal experience living in the Bay Area, but I am against committing crimes against any innocent person; regardless of race.
    The way the media amplifies crimes is the true crime.

    Until I hear more Asians denouncing their Anti Black views. I couldn't care less about these isolated incidents.

    They have stop Asian hate crime law. They'll be aight


    • werty2cool
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  • #3
    Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

    The way the media amplifies crimes is the true crime.

    Until I hear more Asians denouncing their Anti Black views. I couldn't care less about these isolated incidents.

    They have stop Asian hate crime law. They'll be aight
    True. I agree with you. It was hell for me living in the Bay Area in the early 2000's. They were some of the most racist people that I have EVER encountered.

