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Illegal immigrants seen climbing out of sewer manholes and sneaking into Texas.

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  • Illegal immigrants seen climbing out of sewer manholes and sneaking into Texas.

    Man, these illegals...SMH. I have to admit, they are resourceful. They will do ANYTHING to get in the U.S.A. Their homeland must be that bad huh? They are like roaches.
    Emerging from sewer covers, illegal immigrants were seen popping out of manholes in downtown El Paso, Texas, to enter the country.

  • #2
    Rinse and repeat, (A large amount of people keep going to one spot the value keeps going down because the same money/resource/whatever is being stretched over and over again until something is not valuable for anyone anymore.) unfortunately exactly is why some people are and want to build physical barrier. It does so suck but for the most part people need to fix where they are unless there is natural phenomenon making it un liveable. Now this does go both ways but atleast if and when I get to leave I am doing it the correct legal way, to be a legitimate contributing citizen where I go, unless I'm not allowed. We should be able to vote some type of law or bill into existence that no more grant asylum just because, unless war or whatever they were doing for the Covid law but this one until reparations for black people then Indians are decided.


    • #3
      Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
      Man, these illegals...SMH. I have to admit, they are resourceful. They will do ANYTHING to get in the U.S.A. Their homeland must be that bad huh? They are like roaches.
      You can only imagine the conditions they are used to if they don't mind going through sewers.

      Thank God I was born here


      • #4
        Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

        You can only imagine the conditions they are used to if they don't mind going through sewers.

        Thank God I was born here

