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I know Kamala has to love this...SMH.

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  • I know Kamala has to love this...SMH.

    Since she fought so hard for illegal immigrants to come over here--and didn't fight at all for blacks to get reparations--she ought to love migrants coming to her home for room and board. I bet you that she doesn't like it at all.

    Another three busloads of migrants were dumped in front of Vice President Kamala Harris’ Washington D.C. residence on a frigid Christmas Eve, according to a report.

  • #2
    So sick this current government season, will be glad when new season starts. To me it seems republican are the KKK, democrats seemed to be bought by an outside influence (china most likely since I believe they the profiters of the whole going green, they process the batteries for most EVs around the world, I believe this is the same with the solar panel tech.) They seemed to bought out and influenced more than the republicans it seems. Sad situation for someone like me I feel. Definitely is why I'm tryin my best to convert over to what I call robot mode so can get another residence somewhere else, I can't see a different turn out for this country. I think it will really unlivable here in about 15-20 yrs. There is going to be a owner of business class and poor worker class, with expensive military and police budget to keep the working class in check and producing for the owner business class.


    • #3


      • #4
        Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
        Since she fought so hard for illegal immigrants to come over here--and didn't fight at all for blacks to get reparations--she ought to love migrants coming to her home for room and board. I bet you that she doesn't like it at all.
        She did tell them not to come there though. She went to the border

