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EXCLUSIVE: Border, what border? Huge hole is cut in El Paso barrier to let migrants pour through - with desperate crossers also digging holes and using SEWERS to sneak into Texas.

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  • EXCLUSIVE: Border, what border? Huge hole is cut in El Paso barrier to let migrants pour through - with desperate crossers also digging holes and using SEWERS to sneak into Texas.

    Man, these cats will do ANYTHING to get into this country. And they have the nerve to look down on black Americans? These illegals are POURING over the border. Why don't they all ban together and fix the places where they are coming from? I have to agree with Donald Trump on this one.
    A gaping hole cut into the border fence between Mexico and the US reveals the ease at which migrants can cross the border illegally - regardless of the strict Title 42 rules.

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    Man, these cats will do ANYTHING to get into this country. And they have the nerve to look down on black Americans? These illegals are POURING over the border. Why don't they all ban together and fix the places where they are coming from? I have to agree with Donald Trump on this one.
    That's the billion dollar question.

    But I'm not surprised immigrants don't band together when they get here, they fled their problems and want the easy way out.

