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Plane carrying 72 people crashes in Nepal, some bodies recovered: official, state TV.

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  • Plane carrying 72 people crashes in Nepal, some bodies recovered: official, state TV.

    What a tragedy. That's one of the worst fears that I have about riding on a plane, that it could go down and crash. They say that riding a plane is the safest form of transportation. However, I beg to differ. If something happens to that plane when you are 20,000 feet in the air, there is likely no way you are going to live through it.

    An aircraft carrying 72 people crashed in Pokhara in western Nepal on Sunday, an airport official said, while state television reported some bodies had been recovered.

  • #2
    The safety requirements in countries outside of the West are not as stringent as they are over here. Also pilot qualifications aren't as strict either. Initial reports say that the cargo wasn't properly secured in hold, causing it to shift weight in the back of the plane. Sudden shifts can cause imbalances mid flight, making the aircrew lose control of the aircraft.

    It's tragic all around, especially because there's video from inside the plane right before the crash. RIP


    • #3
      Originally posted by JoeDueces View Post
      The safety requirements in countries outside of the West are not as stringent as they are over here. Also pilot qualifications aren't as strict either. Initial reports say that the cargo wasn't properly secured in hold, causing it to shift weight in the back of the plane. Sudden shifts can cause imbalances mid flight, making the aircrew lose control of the aircraft.

      It's tragic all around, especially because there's video from inside the plane right before the crash. RIP
      Exactly. It was tragic all around.

