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She Found Out Her Mother-In-Law Was Forcing Her Daughter To Eat The One Food She Dislikes Every Night At Dinner, So She Accused Her Mother-In-Law Of Starving Her Child And Kicked Her Out.

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  • She Found Out Her Mother-In-Law Was Forcing Her Daughter To Eat The One Food She Dislikes Every Night At Dinner, So She Accused Her Mother-In-Law Of Starving Her Child And Kicked Her Out.

    What on earth was her step-mother thinking. Why was she forcing her step-daughter to eat something that she didn't want to eat. I was never done like that by my mother.
    This woman and her husband currently have a daughter, who is ten-years-old and is reportedly not really a picky eater. However, there is one thing her daughter absolutely despises– mushrooms. Her daughter hates everything about the fungus– from the taste and texture to even just the smell. So, her child just cannot stand to be […]

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    What on earth was her step-mother thinking. Why was she forcing her step-daughter to eat something that she didn't want to eat. I was never done like that by my mother.
    So the part I read that was interesting was MIL who watched their child while they were at work decides to discipline her child and the mother didn't like it.

    It's her husband's mother and the child is her step grandmother. Imagine what would happen if the husband and wife have a child together. They just made the oldest child the pariah.

    Yes the mother is an asshole for kicking her out

