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Black gun ownership.

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  • Black gun ownership.

    If you live in California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Connecticut or Massachusetts don't expect me to drive through your state promoting my gun club. I'm not excluding y'all but the gun laws are beyond restrictive. I have CDL out of Utah. In 10min of a background check I bought my first hand gun in Utah. Then I bought my AR-15 in Wyoming. Samething 10min background check. Growing up in California, South Central L.A. (long live Nipsey), I use to be for gun control. But I learned that gun control laws is rooted in racism. Growing up around gangs and seeing drive by's dried up blood on the pavement, I thought only gangs and police had the guns. But I moved away a long time ago, and due to everything happening in 2020 I knew I had to take charge of my own protection. And I'm glad Utah is a state that is bout that gun. I don't agree with conservatives on most things. But I credit them for being able to take advantage of gun laws in a deep red state. But Nevada is a blue state, legal weed and their gun laws are not restrictive as Cali or the North Eastern states.

    I want to change the narrative of Black+gun=criminal. I'm part of the wave of recent Black gun owners and I'm looking to start up a gun club with focus on a Black agenda. I want to have a chapter in every city that has lenient gun laws. I truck drive for a living so I look forward to meeting up with bruhs on the same page. We can't continue to march, protest and beg for justice. We can't let racists Edomites intimidate us because they got guns and they think we don't (even though I lay with their women I credit my elder for teaching me about their real identity). We can't pray that they see things from our perspective and for them to have a change of heart. We can't look for them to affirm our humanity when they constantly violate our human rights. I feel if more of us owned guns legally we could take charge of our communities. I'm not opposed to having Black police officers in my club. During demonstrations they would hide their faces. Black vetrens in my club will be a given. I feel we need to get the average Black man up on game about their second amendment. Contrary to popular belief all of us don't have felonies. Especially the young brothas. Cats turning 21 and join my club I wanna have money to buy them and pistol and an AR-15 and they just pay back into the pot.

    If Black Lives Matter
    we must decriminalize Black gun ownership from our subconscious.

  • #2
    BTW the name of my gun club is "Ain't scared no mo" because let's face it living in a system of White superemacy I.E. Babylon alot of us are scared. And acknowledging that fear don't make you a punk. But I feel if we draw from each other's energy we become less fearful. Also my name is to honor the Black men and women (yes I get we are a men's group but my hat goes off to them also) of yesteryear that took up arms in defense of our people even when it was outright illegal for us to own guns. Yes the spoke broken English and didn't have much education. But they were willing to ride for our people. And they had more heart than alot of cats today that don't wanna ruffle White folks feathers.

    They want to push the romanticize version of the civil rights struggle and us getting our *** wooped for basic human rights. You see the Jedi mind trick Esau likes to pull. We only have dignity if we getting our *** wooped. But if you take a stand you're a criminal. If you see the White man for what he is through the context of a bully it will all make sense. Of course a bully don't want you standing up to him. That's why I ain't scared no mo. And I need brothas who also feel the same way.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Aintscarednomo View Post
      BTW the name of my gun club is "Ain't scared no mo" because let's face it living in a system of White superemacy I.E. Babylon alot of us are scared. And acknowledging that fear don't make you a punk. But I feel if we draw from each other's energy we become less fearful. Also my name is to honor the Black men and women (yes I get we are a men's group but my hat goes off to them also) of yesteryear that took up arms in defense of our people even when it was outright illegal for us to own guns. Yes the spoke broken English and didn't have much education. But they were willing to ride for our people. And they had more heart than alot of cats today that don't wanna ruffle White folks feathers.

      They want to push the romanticize version of the civil rights struggle and us getting our *** wooped for basic human rights. You see the Jedi mind trick Esau likes to pull. We only have dignity if we getting our *** wooped. But if you take a stand you're a criminal. If you see the White man for what he is through the context of a bully it will all make sense. Of course a bully don't want you standing up to him. That's why I ain't scared no mo. And I need brothas who also feel the same way.
      Good posts bruh. Very informative.


      • #4
        I recently purchased anAR-15 so I scheduled a training session with a former Marine this Tuesday for only $150. He works at a local gun range that I frequent and they charge pretty good rates it looks like.


        • #5
          Do you know the basic functions of your AR-15? Look up YouTube videos on it and make sure it's unloaded


          • #6
            Originally posted by Aintscarednomo View Post
            If you live in California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Connecticut or Massachusetts don't expect me to drive through your state promoting my gun club. I'm not excluding y'all but the gun laws are beyond restrictive. I have CDL out of Utah. In 10min of a background check I bought my first hand gun in Utah. Then I bought my AR-15 in Wyoming. Samething 10min background check. Growing up in California, South Central L.A. (long live Nipsey), I use to be for gun control. But I learned that gun control laws is rooted in racism. Growing up around gangs and seeing drive by's dried up blood on the pavement, I thought only gangs and police had the guns. But I moved away a long time ago, and due to everything happening in 2020 I knew I had to take charge of my own protection. And I'm glad Utah is a state that is bout that gun. I don't agree with conservatives on most things. But I credit them for being able to take advantage of gun laws in a deep red state. But Nevada is a blue state, legal weed and their gun laws are not restrictive as Cali or the North Eastern states.

            I want to change the narrative of Black+gun=criminal. I'm part of the wave of recent Black gun owners and I'm looking to start up a gun club with focus on a Black agenda. I want to have a chapter in every city that has lenient gun laws. I truck drive for a living so I look forward to meeting up with bruhs on the same page. We can't continue to march, protest and beg for justice. We can't let racists Edomites intimidate us because they got guns and they think we don't (even though I lay with their women I credit my elder for teaching me about their real identity). We can't pray that they see things from our perspective and for them to have a change of heart. We can't look for them to affirm our humanity when they constantly violate our human rights. I feel if more of us owned guns legally we could take charge of our communities. I'm not opposed to having Black police officers in my club. During demonstrations they would hide their faces. Black vetrens in my club will be a given. I feel we need to get the average Black man up on game about their second amendment. Contrary to popular belief all of us don't have felonies. Especially the young brothas. Cats turning 21 and join my club I wanna have money to buy them and pistol and an AR-15 and they just pay back into the pot.

            If Black Lives Matter
            we must decriminalize Black gun ownership from our subconscious.
            I had to move this topic due to my advertisers.


            • #7
              Great posts. Please check out my channel on theblacktube.com where I am in a instruction series talking about reloading ammunition. There are 3 info videos so far with more to come. In these times where it is difficult to get ammunition and firearms we need to be prepared to compensate during the shortage. Please give me your feedback if you watch. Also create an account on theblacktube.com and post content it is black owned version of YouTube I personally know the creator and owner.

              Part 1 Equipment Guide to making ammunition


              Part 2 Equipment Guide to making ammunition/ Workbench and Reloading Press


              Part 3 Equipment Guide to making ammunition/ Reloading Dies



              • #8
                Powerful thread.

                I've been involved with firearms for about 14 years. Shotguns, handguns, rifles. It started out when I moved out, my roommate had a shotgun. Then there were some instances of racism and police shootings of black people that made me think, you know what I should own too. You can't walk around being a victim or allowing yourself to be victimized. Guns aren't the answer but being as prepared physically and as armed as your enemy is important.

                I've never flaunted or flashed my guns and back when things were easier, I took advantage of going to ccw courses, defensive shooting courses.

                ​​​​​There's a couple of things about black people and guns that just aren't true and by getting as many black people involved we can change the narrative.

                People think black people learn about guns and handling guns from rap music and videos, videogames and movies. And there is this avoidance factor that some black people have that if they don't own firearms, stay away from them, dislike them that they won't get killed by them. It's somewhat true, statistically you're more likely to not get injured or killed by not having them around and staying away from where they are at, however we can be educated about how to live with them around in a safe manner.

                We can dispel the general notion that all handguns are blocks, and all magazines are clips. We aren't dumb but our enemies want to portray us as dumb.

                A father of 2, I have both of my kids shooting and practicing with a daisy bb rifle for now, before we move into bb handgun training and eventually either 17hmr or .22. I stuck it out with the book and live examples first. Identifying each part of the firearms, the rules of firearm safety. And to me one of the most important, how to check and clear a firearm. My kids aren't of the age where they run around outside by themselves and with friends but you never know when they may come across a firearm. My kids 10 (boy) and 8 (girl) know how to check and clear a firearm. They've been instructed to secure a scene, I.E. if a firearm is found, make sure no other children are able to access it, send them away, tell them to get an adult and if it's possible that another child is near remove any magazine, and clear the firearm and check it 3 times and make sure it's empty then immediately notify an adult. Worse case scenario a child may run off with an empty firearm, but that's better than a loaded firearm.

                There's too much misinformation, confusion and general lack of knowledge out there. Some adults think more handguns than not cannot fire if just a magazine has been removed. This has led to deaths. I'm an advocate for firearm safety to be taught in schools. Ive taken hunters education courses, as well as hunted, and when you go through that course you learn general firearm safety as well as intro to firearms 101, every time of gun and their basic operation, how they work and their components. Pistols, revolver, shotgun, rifle and even bows. To me that's critical information. And very basic and generic for all ages. Some adults down know the difference between a safety switch and a magazine release or a slide lock or slide release. So if an adult doesn't know and might end up accidentally discharging a weapon, what chance does a child have?

                There's that saying "With great power, comes great responsibility." Well I have the very powerful guns and very powerful ammunition and I'm always carrying. So if you approach me in public there isn't going to be a loud argument, with name calling and back and forth. I'm either going to allow you to yell and bark until your out of breath and walk away or I will diffuse the situation by walking away myself. And if it comes to the point where I'm attacked or threatened, I will do what I have to do to defend myself including take another life. I hope it never comes to that. You can be right. You being "right" may mean I don't have to shoot you, so go ahead be right. A lot of people want to argue, I don't have the time or the energy for it. I'm not going to give them the satisfaction of it either. That great responsibility part means controlling our emotions and most importantly our reactions.

                We are human, we get angry, we get scared. But knowing how to respond, act or react when we are angry or scared is what going to help us survive.

                Some people don't like the idea of kids with guns. Google kids hunting and tell me what you see. It's white kids with guns. In full camo, little hunting rifles, next to deer or ducks, rabbits, squirrels. Some with their parents. Some without. A lot of people don't see any issue with that. I don't. I'm black, my wife is black and my kids are black and we do the same stuff. If we can teach our kids basketball and football, we can teach them about firearm safety too.

                Being black is a whole different level of existence. We get the police called on us for bbq'ing in parks, sitting in our own cars, walking into our own houses and apartments, jogging, walking home, eating at restaurants, picking up food, etc etc. And sometimes we get killed doing those basic things that everyone else in the world gets to do and not always by the police. We don't have to be the victims. People can really learn the hard way about messing with us legally and lawfully. And I don't mean going viral crying on video, pleading for acceptance. I don't mean asking them to change, I mean forcing them to change.

                Theres always going to be habitual line steppers out there. But people have to learn or least acknowledge who they can and can't mess around with.

                It's 2021 and we still have lynch mobs running around on the streets. White people arming themselves, playing dress up and going to "counterprotest" or whatever they want to call it. Meanwhile some of us are still marching and demanding people "talk" with us or give us answers. As apart of our survival we need to be at least educated on firearms and for those willing to stand for themselves and others training and education are needed. We also have to have good physical fitness and healthy habits. Drinking alcohol and smoking weed or drugs isn't going to do anything but make us look bad.

                I've rambled. I can talk all day about the subject but I'd rather be shooting, dry firing, working out, educating myself or others on the matter.

                I hope this thread builds. We can share knowledge, tips, tricks, training, pics and grow.


                • #9
                  I feel the same way. I am in Missouri. They believe in guns around here. The white men is stocking up. And some brothers are killing there own. Which is sick, I believe in using the law.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kcdjunique View Post
                    I feel the same way. I am in Missouri. They believe in guns around here. The white men is stocking up. And some brothers are killing there own. Which is sick, I believe in using the law.
                    People commit crimes and harm people that are close to them. Black on black crime isn't crazy high, we aren't our own worst enemies and we aren't going around the country hunting and killing each other. Like everyone else, white, Hispanic, Asian...we commit crimes and harm those next to us, from the same neighborhood.

                    When white people kill and rape, burglarize, it's typically to other white people they do it to as well.

                    Also most crime is committed by someone who is known to the victim.

