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American Black Men Love Being Oppressed

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  • American Black Men Love Being Oppressed

    American Black men love being oppressed that's why we won't leave America. We are too much mentally enslaved to leave the plantation ran by white massa. We love our oppressors so much that we don't want to leave.

    America is not the black mans nation ..and it never will be. Time to build our own nation like real men. Why would u want to be under another race of man's authority anyways.

    The reason blacks are not respected worldwide, is because we don't have a successful functional country.

    Check out my YouTube video.

  • #2
    No one loves being oppressed and leaving the country where I have a legacy is ill advised.

    People would give their lives just to journey to America


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post
      No one loves being oppressed and leaving the country where I have a legacy is ill advised.

      People would give their lives just to journey to America
      So blacks didn't have legacy before America? On a deep subconscious level we love being oppressed if not then we would leave. We still have plantation mentality that we can't leave the slave plantation.

      When other groups are discriminated in their nations they immigrate to different countries....y can't black Americans do the same.

      America ain't ur country just accept it.

      Y is it ill advised for u to get out of the direct control of white supremacy where u face racism everyday?

      Lmao what legacy exactly .....the legacy of being oppressed?
      Last edited by TheShip WillSail; 05-14-2023, 10:23 AM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by TheShip WillSail View Post

        So blacks didn't have legacy before America? On a deep subconscious level we love being oppressed if not then we would leave. We still have plantation mentality that we can't leave the slave plantation.

        When other groups are discriminated in their nations they immigrate to different countries....y can't black Americans do the same.

        America ain't ur country just accept it.

        Y is it ill advised for u to get out of the direct control of white supremacy where u face racism everyday?

        Lmao what legacy exactly .....the legacy of being oppressed?
        I understand that racism has been a big hurdle for our community to face. But I won't say this is something we chose this life.

        If you think moving overseas will make your experience in life better. Don't let me stop you.

        But my ancestors and me have invested too much here in America to just up in leave.


        • #5
          Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

          I understand that racism has been a big hurdle for our community to face. But I won't say this is something we chose this life.

          If you think moving overseas will make your experience in life better. Don't let me stop you.

          But my ancestors and me have invested too much here in America to just up in leave.
          The stuff our ancestors invested in America was four their descendants.... We are the people not the land itself. Our ancestors contributions live on through us wherever we live. We can learn from our ancestors and use their knowledge and contributions wherever on earth.


          • #6
            Originally posted by TheShip WillSail View Post

            The stuff our ancestors invested in America was four their descendants.... We are the people not the land itself. Our ancestors contributions live on through us wherever we live. We can learn from our ancestors and use their knowledge and contributions wherever on earth.
            I'm that descendant and they wouldn't want me to just up and leave


            • #7
              Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

              I'm that descendant and they wouldn't want me to just up and leave
              Our ancestors where brought to America against their will .they did not willingly choose to come to America...if they had their choice they would've stayed in Africa...


              • #8
                Originally posted by TheShip WillSail View Post

                Our ancestors where brought to America against their will .they did not willingly choose to come to America...if they had their choice they would've stayed in Africa...
                My living ancestors did have a choice. They stayed bc this is our home.

                I have no ties to Africa outside of similar physical characteristics. We established a whole new culture and life here.


                • #9
                  Black American Men are not cowards who flee their homeland and run to another oppressor.

                  Most non-black Americans who tell us we need to leave are living in the country they are telling us to run from.

                  What bravery does it take to tuck your tail in and run from a fight. We are not from fleeing stock.

                  Every group who is telling black folks to leave are dying to get here. We have an immigrant problem for a reason. If it's so poppin where you are from then why are you over here?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KHimura View Post
                    Black American Men are not cowards who flee their homeland and run to another oppressor.

                    Most non-black Americans who tell us we need to leave are living in the country they are telling us to run from.

                    What bravery does it take to tuck your tail in and run from a fight. We are not from fleeing stock.

                    Every group who is telling black folks to leave are dying to get here. We have an immigrant problem for a reason. If it's so poppin where you are from then why are you over here?

                    Exactly bruh. I could never understand that about other groups. Instead of making their own country great, they are literally dying to get to the U.S. They become successful over here, and then look down on American Blacks. I am like, if you are smart and everything, why can't you make it work in your own country?


                    • #11
                      I personally have had enough WS trauma and am making my way to live in Afrika. More specifically, Ghana. I just came from a 3 week long stay in June and enjoyed my time. The food was healthy, the people were kind, and I didn't have to look over my should for any WS nonsense. I'm done with Amerikkka. I'm done with the toxic food, the taxes, the mass shootings, police brutality, media propaganda, ect, ect.. Watching the degeneracy of my own people isn't helping either. My focus from here on out will be moving, living, and building in Afrika.. Salute!!

