It's a hard subject to talk about. First responders go through a lot of tough decisions. This one was bad very bad. If you have any form of racist overtone when it comes to your profession like a first responder. Like this firefighter purposely leaves black people to burn to their deaths, including children, in a burning building in the nineteen sixties and seventies, My God May the lord judge you For your actions. Tell me what you guys think of that? Is racism so rampant that it even Molds itself in the first responders itself? Leave your comments. What do you think?
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White Fireman admits he purposely left black people to die in burning buildings- Wille D Live
White Fireman admits he purposely left black people to die in burning buildings- Wille D Live
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Recisam has no place in our world. That is a cruller disease and it should be treated before such incidents. I am so sad to read about that and he should punished because such persons are like poisoned and they are spreading it every where.I am so excited for countdown to new york trip
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