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Black men and intimacy

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  • Black men and intimacy

    I recently discovered that I didn't understand what real intimacy is. when my wife wanted to have an intimate conversation and I saw it as nothing more than conflict resolution, it never occurred to me there was anything intimate about that but I discovered it's about really listening to each other's needs and desires while acknowledging your shortcomings and working together to improve on them, thus improving your relationship.

    do any other black men have any experiences to share.?

  • #2
    Thank you for sharing Kitcyon. I am in a very loving relationship with my girlfriend. When comes to intimacy it was very difficult. She was a survivor of sexual assault. Her past with her ex husband and her abuse from when she was in her teens years ago has made it difficult sometimes when it came to communications in intimacy. When she told me about her past, I had to as a man and her partner to help her heal, and also being able to talk about intimacy in romance with her when she was ready. When it comes with her I helped her the best way I can by treating her with dignity and respect. I love her so much and she is a strong woman. I know it sounds corny but when you connect with someone and you’re able to talk about your feelings and also being able to love one another in a consensual way it’s beautiful. Communication between two loving souls can lighten the day. Working with her and me as a man took a lot of work, but in the end like a rose it can bloom in the bright light with time and care.


    • #3
      Thank you for sharing. I've been making the effort to work on myself and change the way I think. it's going to take time but my wife appreciates it and I've seen an improvement in our relationship. most my issues come from either past relationships or what I saw growing up with my parents. I love my parents but I have to try and break the negative perceptions that have become a part of me for my relationship and so I can pass on better values and understanding to my children.

