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My Female Situation..Gossip Time!!!!

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  • My Female Situation..Gossip Time!!!!

    I ran across this woman's Instagram whom I had a crush on since 2021. We went to community college together for a little bit, church together a little bit, and back in 2017 I approached her and got her social media but I didn't pursue it after that.

    In 2021 I would frequent a restaurant she use to work at and as soon as I seen her up there I developed a crush on her. After that I would find any excuse to go to her establishment ..and eventually I would go their everyday...I was tryna be slick but the real reason I was going to her restaurant was just so I can see her lol.. this type of restaurant is like a Starbucks we're u can chill and use wifi without even buying anything. The crush began to get stronger as time went on, and I would always stare at her, till the point I knew she was aware that I had feelings for her, and she prolly could pick up on my crush energy that I was emmiting. I would go to her place of business for about 4 months straight...almost everyday so it began to be pretty obvious why I was up there. One day I saw her leave with one of her male coworkers and it caused me to be heart broken, and the sight heartbreak made my feelings even stronger.

    I began to also feel the I have a crush on u energy coming from her...so I believe it began to be mutual..and she would give me subtle choosing signals like looking into my eyes.

    And since I approached her in the past...she already knew the 100 percent deal by then.

    Eventually I would come to her place of work and I could pick up on the energy from her male coworkers that they did not like me up there at all, and I knew it was because they could pick up on that I had feelings for that girl! Like the energy in that place began to be tense. And low-key I believe she was sleeping around with a couple of her male coworkers, so it must've been a competition thing with me...

    I could sense that her male coworkers knew exactly why I was up there, and it began to get to point that I could sense they wanted to ban me from the restaurant.

    I believe they would talk ish about me to her so she wouldn't gravitate to me in any type of way, she began to act like she would avoid me...lol but she would try to avoid me but I could sense that she had a crush on me as well. I caught on to the fact that she would avoid working in the from of the place..I believe she was sleeping with her boss, and the boss forced her to work in the back room instead so she wouldn't see me.

    Eventually I stopped seeing her at the restaurant and after a week of keep going there I figured she no longer was working there which was true.....

    We had a mutual Facebook friend from church, so that's how I found her on Facebook, and I eventually added her. She never accepted my friend request but she didn't deny the request either, she left it on sent. But with how I would stare at her for almost everyday for four months straight, she should have blocked me on Facebook, but I know she had a crush on me as well so she prolly wanted to keep the request so she can still look at my new photos, and still have the possibility to add me. Her male coworkers brainwashed her to oppose me lol.

    I added her on Instagram on my fake vacant account, and even though I haven't officially told her who I was i gave some huge hints that I know she knows it's me...she has a boyfriend and I comment flirtatious stuff on her comments like how she's beautiful and lovely and she won't even bother to delete the comments out of respect of her boyfriend. This leads me to believe that she still feeling me!!! And I dm her but she try to act like she don't know who I am but, she still replying to every message I send her. She won't even block me on Instagram and she replies to my messages...lol she feeling a brother !!!

    This is an Arab chick hahaha she Arab and Argentine..but selook moreon the Arab side.
    I can literally look at some of her photos and energetically sense that she has me on her mind.

    I straight up told her that I had feelings for her and that I would show up to her workplace for months just to see her...and she still ain't block me hahaha keep in mind she has a boyfriend...
    Last edited by TheShip WillSail; 12-19-2022, 11:17 AM.