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How To Know If A Girl Likes You

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  • How To Know If A Girl Likes You

    Im an empath..meaning I can sense the energy ppl give off. I can sense the energy from ppl around me and also I can sense certain ppl energy towards me when they are thousands of miles away from me via telepathy ..it sounds crazy but it's true! Not everyone has this psychic ability but i sure do.

    I can sense if a girl likes me back through telepathy. I never cried over a female in my life until last night, so I know the feeling of sad love emotion wasn't 100 percent rooted in me..I was just picking up on her love energy as if it was fully coming from me.

    I looked at her recent Christmas photos and I could energetically sense from her pictures that I'm on her mind a lot. I recently told her how I truly feel for her and I believe what I said to her made her feel a certain way...I basically confirmed what she's probably knew for the last couple years, but I officially comfirmed it.

    Once u reach a certain consciousness u can communicate with people telepathically even if ur miles away from each other. As soon as I started to cry I immediately knew it was rooted from her love energy and it confirmed that we both feel the same way about each other...but I know it's not going anywhere which makes me feel a lil down hahaha.

    As soon as I told her how I felt about her thriugh her dm, i began to feel her feelings for me.

  • #2
    Well you should sell this ability for profit lol


    • #3
      Hey I second that idea of a business. If (was a 5th we'd all be) I wasn't so mentally distracted and extremely turned off from big women, I would. With that ability, I'd continue to get natty buff as I can. I'm a relationship counsler/advisor/coach or something. Pretty much you'd have to be a open spitting game or whatever Ralph Smart type of character. They seem to love those.

