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    Sharing info on the long awaited, highly anticipated release of the "Reclaiming the Throne" Movie/Documentary, by D28 productions. Anyone familiar with Benayah Israel's work on the "Hidden Hebrews" series or Hebrew Nation Building's ministry and film projects, know these brothers do great research and have a solid foundation in scripture to back it up. This promises to be their best documentary so far, on the history of the Hebrews, its links to the Diaspora, and ties to the Continent. The movie (or series) can be rented for 72 hours or purchased and watched anytime. Please support and share, if you are able. Enjoy!

    (I'm not encouraging any purchases be made until after Shabbat, if your observance has already started. Some observe it earlier than others. In any case, let the Ru'ach be your guide.)


    RECLAIMING THE THRONE RELEASE COUNTDOWN (The producers give some background on the film, starting from 45 mins in.)
    Last edited by Yakuba; 05-21-2021, 09:59 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by jezreel View Post

    Sharing info on the long awaited, highly anticipated release of the "Reclaiming the Throne" Movie/Documentary, by D28 productions. Anyone familiar with Benayah Israel's work on the "Hidden Hebrews" series or Hebrew Nation Building's ministry and film projects, know these brothers do great research and have a solid foundation in scripture to back it up. This promises to be their best documentary so far, on the history of the Hebrews, its links to the Diaspora, and ties to the Continent. The movie (or series) can be rented for 72 hours or purchased and watched anytime. Please support and share, if you are able. Enjoy!

    (I'm not encouraging any purchases be made until after Shabbat, if your observance has already started. Some observe it earlier than others. In any case, let the Ru'ach be your guide.)


    RECLAIMING THE THRONE RELEASE COUNTDOWN (The producers give some background on the film, starting from 45 mins in.)
    Thanks for the tip bruh.


    • #3
      As a White Man whose Great Grandmother was a full Blooded Cherokee. I have always known that I was a Gentiles. Saved by the Mercy and Free Gift of Grace by Blood of Jesus Christ. Notice I say I was a Gentile. I was without the Law of Moses. And as a Christian I am still without the Law of Moses. As long as I am Obedient to the Word of God. And to the Holy Ghost that Guides my footsteps. I also know that if I should Transgress against either of these. I am not guilty of not only one of the Laws. But all of them. I say this for the Simple reason. I know who O was when I was a Sinner. But now I a New Creature in Christ. A joint Heir with Jesus. And their is nothing Righteous about me. Except for the Blood of Christ. As far as the Documentary is concerned. I absolutely find it be Awesome. There are a two questions I would have so far, I do have actually. I am don’t have these out of disagreeable spirit. It simply I just want to know that I know. I don’t know everything. But…I want too. I personally think it’s a shame about all of the state of Confusion that Churches as a whole have allowed themselves to get into. I refer to these As the traditions of Man. The biggest and most Mia-leading tradition in my humble opinion is Denominations, and Doctrines. Jesus plainly tells us. Tells us there is only one message to be taught and preached to all the nations of the World as a witness. And that message is his Gospel. Not a Baptist, or a Pentecostal, or any of the added word in front of these two main ones mentioned. Sad to say on my part. I have only been to Churches as to where most of the Congregation is white or causation. There have been some black people there. And in those same Churches a lot of the ones I have been to. Not all of them are spiritually dead. I did say not all of them. Thank God for the one I attend now. Who could answer the questions that I have. Thanks and God Bless all of you. But as God as My Witness. It’s time people wake-up and take heed. God is not winking at sin anymore. I believe he is laughing at most of the Calamity and Chaos brought on by the Wormwood state people have gotten into. Being ate up within side of themselves. It is a no-so Salvation. Praise The Lord!!!


      • #4
        Amen bruh.

