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What is Jacobs Trouble?

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  • What is Jacobs Trouble?

    Most of my black folks are blind and don't know what they have coming for them. These are the " end times" ...no not the end of the earth, but the end of the white man's world, the white man's biblical name is Esau. Esau has a genetically ingrained hatred/opposition/jealousy towards God's (Ahaya) chosens people aka The Hebrews aka the Children of Jacob.

    The white man's world has to end in order for the kingdom of Heaven to come to Earth, which means the Hebrews aka the Black Man is soon to rule for the rest of eternity. But for this to happen majority of the Earth's current population will have to die off literally. Most ppl will die off by the vaccine,famine, and by war.

    We are in the age of tribulation, and these events are soon to take place, literally within the next couple of years... In Jacobs Trouble the whole world will gang up on the children of Israel aka Black ppl of west African descent and try to exterminate us by bloodshed. Most Hebrews will pass away, and only 1/3 of Hebrews will make itnto see the kingdom.

    Most black ppl have been fooled to believe that Jesus aka Yeshua will pop out the sky to save them, which is false. Jesus is to return as the son of man aka human being as a theif in the night, meaning secretly as a reincarnation. Meaning he is already back on Earth. A hard truth to swallow for people who misinterpret the Bible.

    Only the second coming of Jesus and the 1/3 of Israel who will soon receive supernatural ability, which is coming very soon will survive the attempted Hebrew extermination.

    We are at the cusp of WW3 and a certain country has to receive judgment for enslaving God's Chosen ppl for 400 years..and this specific country will be burned by fire...
    Last edited by TheShip WillSail; 10-23-2022, 01:26 AM.