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What I Came To Find Out About Being A Black Man

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  • What I Came To Find Out About Being A Black Man

    I've came to find out, no matter how attractive u r as a black man, how well u dress, how well u carry urself, how successful u r, ppl still go out their way to see the bad in u.

    Ive realized this with some of my interactions within the last couple years...acquaintances of mine know my educated background , the jobs I've kept and they still come at me like I'm a jobless lazy endangered black man
    It's like ppl always see u through a negative lense no matter wat

  • #2
    From your brief description, it sounds like you know yourself and how YOU perceive yourself.
    And now you have discovered how others see and judge you. Now you can cleverly use both perceptions to your advantage.

    Learn how to quickly read people, read the situation, set a goal, and then use their distorted view against themselves without them knowing.
    The key point is that you have to quick!

    You have to be cleaver - a cleaver chameleon controlling the narrative of THEIR perception of you as "jobless lazy endangered black man".

    You need to be be observant without being obvious.

    Your goal can be sexual or financial (i.e., sales) . Sharpen and perfect your skills in all situations.
    If you can get in their pants, then you can get in the minds and then their wallets.

    Welcome to sales. Welcome to marketing. Now market yourself in THEIR narrative.

    Please note. Only 2 in 100 people will work hard and practice to get this skill. And only 1 of them will ever get good at it.


    • TheShip WillSail
      TheShip WillSail commented
      Editing a comment
      I have the accurate perception of myself...as a black man ppl always have to see the bad in u for some reason..especially by other blacks

  • #3
    Originally posted by MikeN View Post
    From your brief description, it sounds like you know yourself and how YOU perceive yourself.
    And now you have discovered how others see and judge you. Now you can cleverly use both perceptions to your advantage.

    Learn how to quickly read people, read the situation, set a goal, and then use their distorted view against themselves without them knowing.
    The key point is that you have to quick!

    You have to be cleaver - a cleaver chameleon controlling the narrative of THEIR perception of you as "jobless lazy endangered black man".

    You need to be be observant without being obvious.

    Your goal can be sexual or financial (i.e., sales) . Sharpen and perfect your skills in all situations.
    If you can get in their pants, then you can get in the minds and then their wallets.

    Welcome to sales. Welcome to marketing. Now market yourself in THEIR narrative.

    Please note. Only 2 in 100 people will work hard and practice to get this skill. And only 1 of them will ever get good at it.
    I like this! Reminds me of the some of the times in highschool in the chess club, dominating players who thought they were going to beat me because i'm black lol


    • #4
      Learn how to quickly read people, read the situation, set a goal, and then use their distorted view against themselves without them knowing.
      The key point is that you have to quick!
      Learn how to quickly read people, read the situation, set a goal, and then use their distorted view against themselves without them knowing.
      The key point is that you have to quick!
      Great Stuff! This is taught at the highest end of sales and it does work. I can attest to it.

      Next problem will become (if you work for anyone other than yourself) is that you’ll get soo good at it people will even try to use THAT against you. Like “Oooo, I already know your good with words”. Don’t let that deter you though.

      ——Your gifts will make room for you and will put you in the company of ikeminded men.


      • #5
        Good to hear guys.

        Work hard at it. Learn to do it in your 20's and it will become a lifetime skill.
        It's about being authentic or coming across as authentic. Just remember not to be slimy or fake like a used-car salesman.

        Oh yeah, one of the best ways to learn this by selling used cars.


        • #6
          Private message me.

