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Male Black Leaders die

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  • Male Black Leaders die

    I've come to a theory that being a Black male activist for a primarily Black social issue is to basically commit suicide, either that or endure a social death in prison. MLK Jr., Malcolm X, a majority of the Black Panthers and men everyday are either killed or locked up. All this to prevent our people from reaching equal footing in the society and the economy. Even if we can fight the outside battle successfully we still face inside betrayals and Black confederates. How can we be sure of our alliances? How do we enforce a lasting, permanent alliance? How do we prevent betrayal?

  • #2
    I can understand that same feeling. Its like our society does 1 step forward two steps back when I comes to black leaders being involved in civil rights. It's a danger and great concern to there Safty. With great change there must be great sacrifice. I belive in this new age of post nationalism or populism in post GOP America, black people have a second form of social Renaissance in the world. Our experience in racial inequality are now in the spot light for people to see......again. The question we must ask ourselves as brothers and sisters is this global village is do I contribute to this civilization and adapt? Do I change the world around me for the better of my people? Or do I leave and start a new in a far off land. (Ie) Africa or other countries other then the west. We play a big role in this world we call Earth. We're do we fit in this blue gem. It's just a thought. Thank you.


    • GreenJagWar
      GreenJagWar commented
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      I thank you for your response but I feel like you didn't answer the question. You ignored the specific male bent of the post and you didn't answer how we prevent betrayals in our activism. We must make our place, there is no federal government looking our for Black Americans instead it forces submission and loyalty.

    • OJ006
      OJ006 commented
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      Thank you in response. I apologize for the first part of your post. Your thought on how black male activist are committing suicide or social death in prisons valid. I Believe the best way that we can solve this issue is focus on black male Mental Health and social justice reforms in government. I don't think my answers are Perfect Solutions, I understand the social construct of civilization must change. What I worry about is the inside actors not related of the Civil Rights Movement that can break it down. I remember reading a Declassified FBI report , that the FBI in the past deliberately put in informants in the Black Panthers movement. Later on crippling the organization. In the bottom of your message mentioned about black Confederates. Can you clarify what that means. I would like to understand it. Lastly I would like to ask you what is your opinion on a black ethnocentric state talked about in Malcolm X speeches in the past? Thank you.

  • #3
    Ah yes, Mental Health, I agree on the necessity of confronting the psychological issues that infect Black people due to racism. There is definitely a market for that. I would also say that the drug issue needs to be fixed before Black men can fix their health.

    ABSOLUTELY, the FBI's infiltration is a big part of why I brought this up...Remember the Black Panther, O'Neil I believe, who worked for the FBI and got Bobby Seale's murdered. I believe this is a serious issue for any Black organization to be aware of and make plans for prevention and integrity. I like to think about how Samurai were so loyal that suicide was righteous and practiced for honor and respect in a battle loss. Black confederates is about Black people who have joined in with white supremacy to damage the Black man and keep him down.

    I'm not completely familiar with Malcolm X's Black ethnocentric state, so for now I'm unable to speak on it. But I will look into it and probably post something about it. Thanks to you.


    • #4
      The reason why our people die is because the powers that be refuse to see the liberation of so called black people. The truth of the matter is the so called black race are the superior race. This is why they reward us for atrocious behaviors. ie: multi million dollar rap deals to promote murder in our communities and the same for our sisters to promote whoredom. It’s all to contribute to our demise and continue ruling over us. The formula to overcome the powers that be is to do something we’ve never done before. We as a nation of people have to keep the commandments of God and come back to our true history and nationality as the biblical Israelites! I’ve seen a Israelite group teaching the way to go on YouTube. They wore purple and gold and went by IUIC. Them brothers preach thus said the Lord.

      Hosea 5:15 I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early.


      • Lem_is
        Lem_is commented
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        I’m seeing that you’re saying black people are the Israelites?? What info do you have on this??

      • OG Ben
        OG Ben commented
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        Lem_is they have a website. It’s They even have an app called IUICtv! You can download it on your phone and your television. These guys are the truth. I am going to keep learning from them so I can further unlock the mysteries to liberate the minds of our people!!

    • #5
      They don't commit suicide they are killed or silenced by the white man because the one thing they don't want to see is black men successfully lead a revolution and wake our brothers and sisters up from centuries of brainwashing. They want us to desire equality and integration and not world domination and taking back what's ours. Malcolm X basically said talking doesn't get anything and we need to get it back in blood. But when the people who make the guns are white, the people who build the satellites are white, those who make the planes, trains and ballistic missiles are all white and keep our enemies in power. So now all we can do is watch as the future generations continue to be brainwashed and bought off.
      When did black men lose the will to fight? Why do we continue to let them control the narrative and make us look weak and helpless? When are we going to come together and create a plan to take back what's ours?


      • GreenJagWar
        GreenJagWar commented
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        When I said "basically commit suicide" I meant that death is nearly a certainty for Black male leaders, that by choosing to be a Black leader you guarantee that you will become a target of violence, more likely to be deadly violence. I did not say it to claim that these people actually planned to kill themselves, just by choosing to be a Black male leader meant they would be murdered. They believed in changing Black people's lives enough that they traded their lives to do so. I believe that even today choosing to be a Black male leader is to invite death.

        I don't think its correct to say that Black men aren't fighting, Black men are fighting in many different issues even within Black culture. Black men fight for plenty of different causes so I don't believe that Black men have lost the will to fight. The issue I see is directing the majority of the effort towards the same goals.

        They control the narrative because they have the largest political (military) power in the world and the white people in America have the largest military in the world, so to say that we "let them" control the narrative is also incorrect. We are forced to follow their rules or die. That's not "allowing" anything.

        The reason I asked this question is because the issue of betrayal by our own people is an issue that occurred recently in the history of Black liberation. So, in order to come together and plan we need to figure out who is on which team. Do you have any suggestions to that question?