For months now I have been doing my own research on the private space industry. I could see that there is a future for Humanity in colonizing different worlds. As you can see I'm a very big and science nerd. I've watched many different sci-fi movies and TV shows. The one show that really connects with me is ( The Expanse). To not spoil it for everybody it is the frontier of space travel and colonizing different worlds. The word colonizing is very synonymous. When we colonize these new Distant Worlds are we as black men repeating history like the slave trade, cheap labour to build these new cities or are we contributing to the society for a better way of life for ourselves and others in our community? . If the world carries the same baggage it came with,have we really changed as a civilization? How do black men like ourselves fit into this great journey into space. Or should we stay on Earth and fix or better ourselves as a people? Lastly are we the colonizers of the past or are we explorers? Thank you.
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How do black men fit into space colonization into the Stars
Part of me thinks that space is out of our range for now, but another part is still curious and interested. My guess is that the wonderful US market will come up with a variety of simple to use products that will provide a whole life to those who can pay. What part will Black men play? Uh, if I remember correctly, at the rate of life and death in the Black community we will not make it to 2050. So, we need to change now before we can even think about future possibilities. At this point our exit from this planet will most likely be due to environmental disaster and so it will probably be a costly pass for survival.
Very good point you have there GreenJapWar. We have to consider what's going on now in our communities. We may in the future become almost wiped out due to the Wests contributions to our demise in colonialism from the past and to our future, for example propaganda and social downgrading. The environment is another Factor, if the biosphere continues the way it is humanity as a hole could go extinct due to climate change. Interesting educational fact, who was the first black men in space? His name is Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez he was a cosmonaut. History around the world forgot about this great man of African descent becoming the first black man in space. In the end our Legacy must some how make our mark in history. What I would like to see in the future is form of an African combined contributed Space Program in the African continent. Civilian Rockets Made and built in Africa. Only time will tell.
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