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    Salute to the Brother who initiated this topic.
    We cannot afford to let it die
    Our situation is Critical Men.

    We allow our WOMEN to hold down the Front Lines of Activism and we cant even protect them from harm.
    Public lynchings by police are STILL happening to this day because white men are confident that we Black men WILL NOT respond like men.
    Our children are being terrorized, having their natural hair chopped off, made to DRINK PISS, and even HANGED by white children because we are failing as Protectors & Fathers.
    And we are allowing our own youth to destroy our communities and families with their GANG CULTURE. Youth who only Fear Police and NOT the Black Men in their Communities

    We have to get serious Brothers.
    We can no longer afford to be Peaceful
    All the Warrior Spirits of the Past and Present are calling Us to Action
    To act on the Enemies Without, as well as the Traitors within.

    The rebellion we are witnessing from our women and children is a direct result of our failure to respond to these events as Men.
    Why should our children & youth obey us when they consistently watch other men abuse us, them, their Mothers & Our families with ZERO response from we who call ourselves Men?
    Why should our women Respect us when we offer no response or accountability to all the violence inflicted against them?
    How can any other ethnic group of people respect Black Men who allow EVERY group to disrespect them without consequence?

    For too long we have been choosing to go to the sports bar and the strip club rather than go to War.
    And as a result, we very little respect anywhere on this Earth if we are not wealthy or famous, and NO ONE fears retaliation from us.
    White, Arab, Chinese or otherwise.

    The solution to this crisis is actually simple:
    Communicate & Organize Action

    We have to open lines of communication with one another rather than posting and ghosting.
    Share your email so we can contact one another.
    Link up with like minded men in your area.
    We have to build a network of communication first before we can do anything else.
    If we never talk to one another then we will never see any of these problems solved.
    & Enough debating in comment sections.
    Lets at least start debating our ideas & solutions in person or via group conference and move them to action.

    And we absolutely MUST leave Religion & Identity Politics out of the equation. No matter what you believe in or call yourself, we are all hunted by the same predator and not a single Religion or Identity among us has been able to stop that predator alone.

    Men, let us be just that.
    We have to act.
    Communication is Key
    Lets Keep this convo going until it goes to progress.
    I understand it can be scary talking & linking up with "strangers" in these times, but Building & War are not the works of cowards so if you are immobilized by those fears then remain home with the children because even our WOMEN have heart for the fight.

    We have all that we need.
    Each one of us has a tool, a skill, a gift, a weapon that we need to complete this work.

    So lets get to work


  • #2
    This is the truth but for me my first step for us is erasing all this stuff in Chicago that the old heads taught us was so stupid that we stuck in that cycle that m ready to put our minds together


    • Baba Ras
      Baba Ras commented
      Editing a comment
      You in Chicago right now?

    • Timtim429
      Timtim429 commented
      Editing a comment
      Yea I’m stuck here

    • Baba Ras
      Baba Ras commented
      Editing a comment
      Why stuck?

  • #3
    Trust me they fear us everywhere around the world we the most intellectually not backing down loving communities we just not coming together enough but if we do it’s gone happen


    • #4
      Let's start with the claim "We allow our WOMEN to hold down the Front Lines of Activism and we cant even protect them from harm." Which men are you talking to, the ones in jail, the ones dead, or the few of us who avoided both, and then let's separate into the poverty stricken and the low working class or the few who have managed success? We (Black men) have not had the luxury of collective action without violence and death so to claim that we all decided to ignore the calls of Black women (if there be any) and be damaging to our people is, I think, incorrect.

      Why take the assumption that Black women are fighting for Black men? Especially when speaking about the feminist element that is basically white supremacy in a dress. Or what about the thousands of women who use the government against a man for no good reason in divorce court especially in denying the rights of many Black fathers from their children. Are those the activists you speak of?

      We cannot protect Black women because we are the primary target of racism in America. Black men are the opposite to the white man in their racial hierarchy and our lives are used for little more than arguments in statistics.

      Black women are the only ones allowed to lead in activism.

      Instead of being offended at your next claim I'll just ask, in your opinion, how do we respond to police like men? They have a lot of people, weapons, and money all with the backing of the US government which has the largest army budget in the world many times over. Does your plan address these problems?

      If I'm honest I actually agree with you but I feel like that issue is not first on the list, its not even top 5 perhaps not even top 10.

      The first work must be in reconstructing the justice system including the drug war and the poverty war. Why? Because this is where too many of those Black men end up before they can even begin the other items you mentioned.

      Lastly (at the moment), I'd love to discuss gangs and gang culture with you; many gangs, including Black gangs, were started because the police didn't protect Black people from violence (nor did they do much else). Did you know that even fire departments would routinely just ignore fires that damaged Black property or even caused the death of Black people? The point is that just because white people say its 'bad' doesn't make it bad.


      • Baba Ras
        Baba Ras commented
        Editing a comment
        Glad you responded Bro.
        First, i would ask that we keep our words and meanings direct. Obviously this post is not for or about any BM or BW who are against our People. They are only relavent to these conversations as items in need of solution or circumvention. I speak to and on the behalf of those of us who have genuine concern for our advancement, men & women, free or in prison. We should be mindful that there are thousands of our people in prison for no other reason than standing up to oppression and I have much more respect for those men & women than many cowards who kept their heads down and ignored our needs. You yourself just made the great point that things arent bad just because white people say so. I challenge you to keep that in mind on the subject of our leaders and fighters rotting in cells unjustly. So lets speak directly to eachother

        Now, i reaffirm, we allow Black Women to hold down the front lines of Activism. I am well aware that the "mainstream media" reserves their activism spotlight for BW to both undermine our masculinity & push the feminist agenda simultaneously. Of course feminism is a weapon of white men, and i consider many of those women enemies of the People.
        But I think we have to start increasing the pressure of accountability among ourselves as men where it is applicable off the fake news cameras. Thats why i charge that "we allow" it. Because the truth is that we BM have been operating in fear of all those establishment powers that you mention. Thats what keep us from challenging this system in every area. Its just fear. We have to be honest about that to move forward. And that fear is understandable. Its even logical in many regards. But its never an excuse. Collective action was not a luxury for Marcus Garvey or Drew Ali at the turn of the 20th cent. It wasnt a luxury for MLK, the NOI or BPP in the 60s. And it wont be a luxury for us today. Those men faced all the same violent & deadly challenges we face today and they chose to march forward. Fear of prison and death marched with them but it can never override the mission. You mention what white supremacy "wont allow" us to do. But that type of thinking and speech has to be banished from our Minds & Culture if we are to be productive in ANY endeavor. "Men do what they want..." is an expression that comes to mind.
        So We have to be transparent about these fears and work through them. And they are easier to work through when you have organized People standing with you. Thats why i stress the need for us to communicate more and restrengthen the bonds among those of us who want to see change and even force change.

        YES, there is a solution to responding to police like men. And its not elaborate or an all out war that would call for trembling at their military weaponry. But, again, communication & organization must preceed that solution.
        And my Bro we cannot restructure a "justice" system that is not under our control. Our work is done outside the system, like those ol school Gangs on righteous footing you mentioned.
        But i disagree with you firmly that state-sanctioned murder of our men women and children is not a top 5 issue on our list. It absolutely is. If you disagree then why highlight the BM who "managed to avoid" death? Clearly we both understand the value of not dying under the machinery of this system before actualizing our worth in our community and family.

        However, unlike many others in this sphere of concern, i consider the Gang issue of greater urgency than the police issue. Gangs kill more of our young men than race soldiers or military service combined. And it makes no sense for us to continue to ignore it. Gang Culture today is an enemy of the People. We have to be honest about this as well.
        Does this mean every gang member is a bad guy? Of course not. Never make assumptions on the perspectives of another man. I have PLENTY of Bros in Gangs. I ran in a neighborhood thing myself back in the day but never joined the majors Crips, Bloods etc like my friends. So no, im not saying this because white people say its bad lol. And as a Grown Man holding myself and my Gang bros accountable, i tell them straight up that they have shown ZERO evolution the past 30 years. Their behavior and ideology is the same today as it was in 1991.
        Thats a HUGE problem.
        And YES we have a solution to that as well.
        But its going to take stand up guys to make it happen.
        Because as much as millions of BM hate what Gangs are doing to their children and communities, we also FEAR them because they arre willing to throw away life over nothing.
        A logical thing to fear.
        But no excuse to allow it to live.
        Personally, i have always considered the Gangs to be a great sleeping giant for our good if they ever turned their guns & aggression in the right direction. But they simply do not care amd do not want to change. Ive had so many gang members tell me exactly what you said then turn around and fight or shoot or stab or kill over nothing and be proud of it.
        They need a motivating force to change and its up to BM to be that force.
        In Nature all things that do not Evolve will die.

    • #5
      Thanks for the response. I realize now that I made an error in editing, that sentence about issue positioning was supposed to come before the previous one, the injustice issue is absolutely one of the first in line.

      I mention the white supremacist element to make the threat clear. As it changes and moves goals or strategies we need to stay ahead of it. As evidenced by the prevalence of Black death.

      I may still disagree on us "allowing" Black women to lead, but either way we should figure out how to return to Black women's side in the fight. Now, when I imagine the next steps I recognize that Black men are prevented, in many ways, from leadership roles in more recent Black liberation movements. Not only from white people but also from the same Black women who lead. That is why I believe feminism to be a big issue that keeps Black women from helping the Black man, and also the family courts. How can Black men, who are prevented from speaking, ignored and left to die, be the blame for our broken community? Or put a different way Black men can't force Black women to work for Black people, if they only want to work for themselves. And feminism (including its government power) is absolutely against Black males.

      I agree on the importance of fixing the gang presence. Honestly, I still lack a full hold over gang issues but am very interested in more research and developing solutions. How do we get them included in the conversation? What directs them towards violence against their own communities? Obviously, the drug war has a big impact due to poverty which is due to racism ultimately. Also, isn't there any hope given past moments of cease fire between gangs, I think there are still gang members who can be reasoned with. But as I said, I'm not as informed.

      I agree 100% about the need to organize and collaborate, yet once again I stress the need to correctly analyze and establish correct current information from which to detail our plans and goals. Too often I've found that most modern activism has public goals and private goals and too often they are completely different and too often the private goals take precedence. Those groups won't solve our problems and any group I take part in won't be allowed to fail like that.


      • Baba Ras
        Baba Ras commented
        Editing a comment
        Very valid points.
        We are in 100% agreement on the Feminist/BW/Family Courts issue.
        Also good questions on the gangs.
        I definitely have Gang Bros i talk to on these issues and they want change to but its their LEADERSHIP that is the main obstacle. They are a rank & file system like the military & corporations. Lower ranks cannot act without the green light from higher ups or they are at risk of punishment or violence
        As you nailed, the drug money-poverty-racism is the major onstacle here. The "OGs" & "Big Homies" are mainly interested in the deug money. Ive met many ranking members of dif gangs and they were ALL in the dope game.
        Petty power obsession & ego of those leaders is also a big factor that causes them ti resist change but its the money that allows for much of that power & ego.
        Thats why i think the money is the biggest issue all across the board of Black folks problems. Whether its money keeping people on the sellout train, lack of money leading us to crime & prostitution, lack of funding to fix community ills, or lack of discipline in pooling the money we do have.
        Also gangs typically agree to cease-fires for the sake of business, not loss of life. Still a valid reason tho but it is not a signal of Culture shift.
        Many gang memebers end up joining Black Nationalist groups because the Rebel Spirit & Warrior Culture that exists in Gangs thrives there also. But i recognnize the reason that they must join the Nationalist groups, the other Sleeping Giant, is because they are forced to realize that Gang Culture does not support Advancement of the People. It a self-serving industry much like capitalism which is why capitalist forces can so easily penetrate gangs using money & toy with gangs at their whim.
        Yes Gangs should be in this conversation & they actually are but they are not viewed favorably by most of their peers if they serve the Cause more than the set.
        "Cant serve two masters..." kinda thing
        But again, there is a simple solution to turning them against the system and even their own selves

        I also agree, much activism is problematic in goals these days.
        But from my observation alot of it typically stems from lack of economic discipline within the organizations.
        I think that needs to be practiced more with our organizations across the board.
        Our People are so ingrained in emotional consumerism that pooling resources for a social or environmental solution that does not offer instant gratification just does not appeal.
        So any new organizations should obligate this practice among members from the outset.
        I think this practice is also a significant indicator of dedication among members because people are not quick to trust others with their money (except church and banks)

        What do you mean when you say private goal? What would be an example?

      • GreenJagWar
        GreenJagWar commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks lots for the info on gangs. Also agreed about the lure of money and its devastating effect on our community. That affects the world...but I think it will mostly be solved by financial education and reparations. I actually think we are close to reparations depending on potential international pressure; not national pressure. What I mean to point out is that like LBJ who signed civil rights legislation into law to display a better public face for America reparations may come for a similar purpose. The thing is as of now all the money we would get for reparations would just as quick be given straight back to white people. But is there a solution for that? And what do you think about the ongoing battle for reparations?

        ...For example, recently there was a challenge to one of the BLM leaders, many were critical of her purchase of homes. Including the draw of fame and betrayal in our groups I believe we have to be much more critical of people we put trust in.

      • Baba Ras
        Baba Ras commented
        Editing a comment
        Theres a wise saying by the Elder El Hajj that all black prople serious about black liberation should be in an orgainization. So we may be critical of not wanting to fail but we have to take a gamble somewhere and show & prove otherwise why should we even be in the conversation?

        I missed your comment about reparations but my thoughts are....
        The problem with reparations is exactly what you said. Judging by the continued off-code behavior & white culture obsession by majority of Black Americans, id say at least 60% will return any "monetary" reparations right back to white companies. Our people have been programmed to be emotional consumers and that programming will lead to the benefit of white brands if money is paid out.
        We simply are not Culturally spund ebiugh to recieve monetary reparations. Just look how many of our people continue to waste the fed covid benifits.
        Im sure that 40% would do right to create generational wealth for themselves, however, again, without the Original Mindset & Culture that would have us reinvest that wealth back into our communities and even more, our liberation, many of THAT group will attempt to join the Black Bourgeoisie if not a wyt space outright. It will only instigate the "class" illusion of Black America.

        My 2nd issue with Reparations is the fact that Black people will not be in control of its structure and distribution. And its not possible for us to be seeing as how we are demanding it from another group. And knowing who that group is and the principles on which they operate, any reparations paid out will have failsafes for wytes and trapdoors for blacks. It WILL NOT be paid out in good faith. We should all know this. The devil gives NOTHING without taking something more valuable. So i dont know if its even worth it at this point.

        Third point, its gonna be a helluva task for alot of folks to prove their ancestors were slaves. That will undoubtedly be a requirement to recieve the reparation so...

        But if it happens those of us who Know Better will just have to Do Better.
        Personally i will render to ceasar what is ceasars. Meaning im using all imperialist funding to take down imperialism

    • #6
      Originally posted by GreenJagWar View Post
      Let's start with the claim "We allow our WOMEN to hold down the Front Lines of Activism and we cant even protect them from harm." Which men are you talking to, the ones in jail, the ones dead, or the few of us who avoided both, and then let's separate into the poverty stricken and the low working class or the few who have managed success? We (Black men) have not had the luxury of collective action without violence and death so to claim that we all decided to ignore the calls of Black women (if there be any) and be damaging to our people is, I think, incorrect.

      Why take the assumption that Black women are fighting for Black men? Especially when speaking about the feminist element that is basically white supremacy in a dress. Or what about the thousands of women who use the government against a man for no good reason in divorce court especially in denying the rights of many Black fathers from their children. Are those the activists you speak of?

      We cannot protect Black women because we are the primary target of racism in America. Black men are the opposite to the white man in their racial hierarchy and our lives are used for little more than arguments in statistics.

      Black women are the only ones allowed to lead in activism.

      Instead of being offended at your next claim I'll just ask, in your opinion, how do we respond to police like men? They have a lot of people, weapons, and money all with the backing of the US government which has the largest army budget in the world many times over. Does your plan address these problems?

      If I'm honest I actually agree with you but I feel like that issue is not first on the list, its not even top 5 perhaps not even top 10.

      The first work must be in reconstructing the justice system including the drug war and the poverty war. Why? Because this is where too many of those Black men end up before they can even begin the other items you mentioned.

      Lastly (at the moment), I'd love to discuss gangs and gang culture with you; many gangs, including Black gangs, were started because the police didn't protect Black people from violence (nor did they do much else). Did you know that even fire departments would routinely just ignore fires that damaged Black property or even caused the death of Black people? The point is that just because white people say its 'bad' doesn't make it bad.
      We need black women to fight with us, and because our fight won't be something that can be won overnight we need to be willing to teach our future generation of children how to be warriors and leaders if we ever want to create a unified black power that isn't challenged by our enemies. Alot of our sisters have fallen into interracial propaganda and are brainwashed by capitalism. In order for us to be united we have to save who we can and treat all others as allies of our enemies.

      We should be trying to work with the gangs to further establish power bases across the country that we can use as a means of funding and intelligence for our movement.

      We cannot try and "reconstruct" something that has been broken for over 400 years, the entire system needs to be demolished and reconstructed as a system that is fair and doesn't seek to give them any power over us or our communities.

      And we respond to the police by treating them as obstacles that stand in the way of our progress and seeking to keep things the way they are now or protest only gives them more time to make it difficult for us to remove them.

      Like my brother said this is a war, and activism and protesting serve no purpose whatsoever on the battlefield. There are people who want change and people who don't. And if you don't want change then you're just in the way.

      Also for those interested my email is 100x4cent@protonmail.com
      Last edited by 400years; 05-26-2021, 06:12 AM.


      • #7
        Originally posted by TheHarmattan
        Baba Ras, I cannot like your last post because it's not giving me an option. Just know I liked your last post in my head.

        Yes, Evince is a software program that allows you to read many documents. I thought it was a good idea because poor children don't get to read as much because they can't afford the software.

        I'm just trying to do my part to help our people.

        Ask me any question that you want.
        Don't believe that because the same computer nerds managed to still 300 million from atms across the country with just some code knowledge and exploits. If anything we need programmers and code monkeys in our team.


        • #8
          Originally posted by TheHarmattan

          You have no idea how many times I have been called a nerd for learning Euclidean Geometry, C++ and *nix. As recently as Sunday, May 23, 2021, a 40 year old man told me that computers are for white people and that if I am not a Democrat, I'm not Black....
          I was referring to when you were talking about your programming skills.


          • #9
            Hello gentlemen. For everybody who has put their comments on this post,I congratulate everyone in experiencing and expressing our true feelings about our society. The same issues that you have just brought up Baba Ras is happening here in Canada as well, or any Colonial Country of the West. You have to band up as a community and fight injustice wherever we are in this world and take care of our own. Over the past few weeks I have been doing my own research on the African diaspora concept and practice. Should we invest more into Africa as a continent? Should we actually consider moving or relocating to the African continent based on these forms of psychological trauma in the colonial society we live in ? The ultimate question I would like to ask is for everyone , if capitalism does not work for us should we consider a different political system to correct the Injustice in our black communities as a hole? Maybe I have not answered anyone question, it just a thought. Thank you. The motivation of this paragraph has moved me by this to specific person I've been watching on YouTube. This topic came into mind.


            • Baba Ras
              Baba Ras commented
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              Disengage from Capitalism yes.
              But not the ideas of a free market. Its the ideologies of profit over humanity & nature, monetizing every event in society, the worship of money, & the imbalanced hoarding of the worlds resources. Those are the the aspects of capitalism that should absolutely be done away with by Us as an economic advancement.

              On the question of moving to Africa, that may become necessary for those who are dedicated to opposing the system. Meaning once the laws get so restrictive that ant speech against the governement is outlawed then People like myself will be forced to flee out of safety. With that in mind, i awould advise that at the very least, every Man with the means invest in a backup plan in Africa or even the Caribbean. Most West Indian Nations are Black Nations so they are an equally viable option.

              However, until that times comes, we gotta be effective wherever it is we live. Wehere our families and friends and histories are. We were put where we are to plant seeds for a better day. I dont think it serves our colective interests around the Diaspora to abandon any place where out People reside with the will to resist.
              We are the Original People and Planet Earth is ours. The whole gotdamn thing.

              So i encourage every Bro to be open minded about Africa & the Caribbean as well as small Black towns in US that arent already heavily militarized by police.

              Ultimately we will step wherever we choose.

            • Builder
              Builder commented
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              I do not believe capitalism is a problem; the media is the problem. The news media, movies, and tv programs are used to program your way of thinking. They tell you what to buy, how to spend your money, what it takes to be successful, what’s good, what’s bad, tell you are useless and inferior to all other races, they tell how to vote, and now they are promoting LBGT to be the norm. The people at the top control the media, so they program you to give them your wealth. That is true capitalism at it is best. We have a choice. Please do not give them your wealth. Build your wealth for you and your family. I can give you many examples of how you are deceived into giving away your wealth: playing the lottery, casinos, drugs, side chicks, excessive parting, designer clothes, new cars, houses that do not produce income, student loans, and investing in things that do not earn you a return (giving money to churches and charities).

          • #10
            Originally posted by OJ006 View Post
            Hello gentlemen. For everybody who has put their comments on this post,I congratulate everyone in experiencing and expressing our true feelings about our society. The same issues that you have just brought up Baba Ras is happening here in Canada as well, or any Colonial Country of the West. You have to band up as a community and fight injustice wherever we are in this world and take care of our own. Over the past few weeks I have been doing my own research on the African diaspora concept and practice. Should we invest more into Africa as a continent? Should we actually consider moving or relocating to the African continent based on these forms of psychological trauma in the colonial society we live in ? The ultimate question I would like to ask is for everyone , if capitalism does not work for us should we consider a different political system to correct the Injustice in our black communities as a hole? Maybe I have not answered anyone question, it just a thought. Thank you. The motivation of this paragraph has moved me by this to specific person I've been watching on YouTube. This topic came into mind.
            Moving doesn't fix the problem it just creates more room for it to grow. There was already an attempt at a different generation of Africans going back to Africa and it resulted in Liberia. And even know in Africa we have the fact that the Chinese are trying to colonize land in Africa, the Russians are moving in and the Arabs are trying to spread Islam throughout the country and potentially establish Sharia Law in countries outside the middle east. And on top of that you still have Africans working with white capitalists to slowly bleed the country of its labor, resources and autonomy.

            How are we supposed to defeat our enemies in Africa when we can't even fight the ones in our backyard? We need to organize not just for the sake of business or black nationalism but because our backs are facing a cliff and we stand to lose our identity and chance of freedom to American assimilation and our people will forever be slaves to the capitalist rat race.

            Coons are an example of what assimilation looks like, and everything you do and anytime you vote, you continue to keep the white man in power who will then continue killing us as he sees fit.


            • Baba Ras
              Baba Ras commented
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              I appreciate what you said.
              Africa is definitely a mess so we might as well handle business right here while we can.

              And our backs are most def against a cliff. So many still hust cant see that tho.

              I gotta ask you tho, do we as Black People really have a social identity outaide of our natural heritage? I mean Culturally, what is our identity as Blacks in America?
              The Black Church is Culture but its largely a business model or scam nowdays.
              HipHop is our most influential Culture but its under the control of "jew" capitalist for 30 odd yrs now.
              I could think of a few other things but it doesnt feel definitive of who we ARE as a People in this country. And thats always compounded the reality that at leats half the folks classified as Black in this country want nothing to do with the label or any of its associated subCultures

              What do you think?

          • #11
            I would like all of us to ask ourselves the following question:
            • Have I produced bastard children?
            • When I die, will my family become rich or poor?
            • Does my household income increase every year.
            • Do I have a plan for creating generational wealth?
            • Do I run my household?
            • I'm a commented father and husband.
            • Did my father teach me how to be a man and lead a family?
            • Do I live my life by the man code?
            • How many hours a day I spend creating generational wealth?
            • How many hours a week I sit in a chair watching millionaires run up and down a field/court.

            Starting with self is the first step in building our communities. It was a time when being a family man gave you respect in our community. You have to clean your house before to can clean someone else's house. Our job is to marry a black woman, have kids, teach them to be productive, and create generational wealth. We have to build our community one generation at a time. Your children should have a better life than you did. Creating wealth is not that hard. It takes self-discipline and the will to deprive yourself of your wants.


            • #12
              Originally posted by OJ006 View Post
              Should we invest more into Africa as a continent? Should we actually consider moving or relocating to the African continent based on these forms of psychological trauma in the colonial society we live in ? The ultimate question I would like to ask is for everyone , if capitalism does not work for us should we consider a different political system to correct the Injustice in our black communities as a hole?
              We cannot assist Africa, if investing helped then Africa would be rich. There are a thousand other reasons why money is not going to help Africa. Africa has a large majority of resources on earth with little ability to protect or control them. Plus it is helping Africa to help African Americans, either we are apart of the country or not.

              Our ancestors stayed for a reason and I, regardless of my opinion about it, can't argue for leaving until we are equal or it implodes...at this point I couldn't care which.

              I don't see capitalism in the same light, I've spent too many days learning economics to be confused about it. Yet, America's version is plainly racist in its foundation. American capitalism is definitely a part of institutional racism. Yet, I have to strongly disagree with the thought that another "political" system will automatically change this situation. ANY economic system is necessarily connected to politics in governments. Therefore, if the country is still racist then all it does will be racist. Even the government AID is racist, in methods and/or goals.

              The point is a different econ/political system won't change anything until the people change their hearts and minds.


              • 400years
                400years commented
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                The other 2 things you missed was there have been billions poured into Africa already and it funded civil wars, corruption and for other countries to come in and take land and resources not being strategically used by the Africans themselves. You are letting the Chinese come in and take all your **** and from what I've heard so far no kind of fight is being waged to stop it from happening. Russians are in African countries raping and kidnapping women. Alot of them are selling themselves to our enemies and as the days go by I'm finding it hard to be proud of coming from a continent that has been unable to united and become a superpower like the US or China.

            • #13
              When is someone going to say enough is enough and start taking real action against this system we live in? Because nothing is going to change at all.
              Law and order don't mean **** in this country and never meant **** cause laws that was meant to be followed keep getting broken. You got white police on camera saying they can't wait to go to war with us.
              You got our brothers who keep bringing white people into black business and then everytime we begin to have a united black movement it just turn into far left liberal politics.

              Everyday I wake up and see the same police tryna ticket me, the same dirty *** crackas that I have to smile for and act like I give a **** about them. The same crackas on TV and the internet wasting people time talking about **** that don't ****ing matter at all.

              The longer we sit here doing nothing the worse it gets.. Getting rich talking about generational wealth don't change ****. Protesting and continuing to argue about **** like reparations and foundational black Americans not producing any ****ing results.

              The only way this **** gon change is if we put our bull**** difference of opinions aside, come together and realize that there is WORK that needs to be done. That we need to FIGHT to change this world we live in or we will all die and it will forever be noted in history that a group of people who were brought here as slaves have for generations remained powerless and unable to do **** to get revenge for centuries of injustice. Our future generation will experience the same **** we have experienced and they just like us will just be assimilated into the obedient n***er society and forced to do what the white man says.

              My brothers I am begging at this point, open your eyes and wake up.


            • #14
              The takes in this thread and how much back and forth between viewpoints solidifies my point that there are people among us who want to keep things the way they are.
              Some of you cannot see that our people are getting whiter and thinking less about freedom and more about wealth and material luxury which is what the white man creates to keep you from wanting to think any higher than Mercedes Benz and Balenciaga shoes.

              I thought I had a strong spirit and could try to get people to wake up and realize what has happened to you but I'm becoming more and more convinced that it's a unwinnable battle at this point.

              It's like trying to tell everyone that a giant asteroid is about to hit the earth but everyone continues to go about their business until they realize at the last minute there is nothing that can be done..


              • Baba Ras
                Baba Ras commented
                Editing a comment
                If thats truly how you feel why dont you link up with people who think like you?
                Why arent you apart of an organization working on Solutions to the issues you speak on?
                Ive asked you to contact me but you ignored my post.
                So are you really about doing something or are you all talk too?
                We're taking action.
                Will you join us or what?