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Single Black Mothers

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  • Single Black Mothers

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    We might as well get to it. No use avoiding it. This is a problem for Black men and Black women. The women who are irresponsible mothers and the men who are absent fathers.

    What do we do about this?

    But then I've also noticed that the story isn't exactly as told by the mainstream (surprise!). There are women and men who stay in their child's life regardless of their romantic relationship, who do all they can to raise decent, rational human beings.

    There are many reasons why there are so many single mothers, from the change in the family nucleus in America to the lack-there-of in black families. One observation is that the black american family never really had a chance. From slavery to mass incarceration, men have been continually removed from the nucleus, making the single black mother a common and visible family dynamic. With years of that as the visible set up, the two-parent family becomes much less of a social expectation. The single mother design is so prominent that there are fewer visible instances where having a father around is better.
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  • #2
    For me I am currently seeing a single black mother. What I understood her past is her husband was absent and sleeping and raising another child that was his. It was hard on her to find her child would have to confront the father in the future based on his past transgressions with the hidden female on the side. This eventually caused a ​​divorce​​​​​​. What I have tried to do is to not only date this single black woman and get to know her, I also got to know and start a relationship with the child as positive male figure in her life. I help her child helping her explore into science and the beautiful world that is around us to motivate her future. I do in love them both and I am not afraid dating a single woman.


    • GreenJagWar
      GreenJagWar commented
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      Personally, I can't accept a story that lacks the other side. Its too easy for women to get away with that when the state is against Black men and is killing them or locking them up. Not to mention the issues with the dating choices that Black women make consistently.
      I wish you the best.

  • #3
    Instead of only focusing on single mothers why are we not looking at the fact that there are both single black mothers and fathers? Single black mothers face the same challenges that single black fathers face which are feeding their children and trying to make ends meet.

    "What do we do about the men and women who weren't prepared to be mothers or fathers and had kids they could not afford the time or money to raise properly?" Either teach them how to br better parents for the sake of a better society or leave things the way they are and continue to have other generations complain about it.
    Last edited by 400years; 05-27-2021, 05:49 AM.


    • GreenJagWar
      GreenJagWar commented
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      On what do you base the claim that Black mothers and Black fathers face the same challenges. I do not agree with that claim. An obvious example is the states protection of single Black mothers against single Black fathers.

      Why pretend false equivalency without doing the research?

  • #4
    Because regardless of the challenges that you think are there the big picture is that black boys are growing up without fathers, black girls are growing up without mothers and vice versa. And one parent can only do so much for their children until they get old enough to decide who they want to be around and what influence they want to adopt or or be influenced by.
    the problem starts with both black men and women and we have to care enough about our children's future and raise them with a purpose.

    And to answer your question on what do I claim? Single parents have to work harder and longer to provide for their children than mother/father households.

    I've known women who sold themselves to feed their children and I've known fathers taking penitentiary chances to give their kids the best life they can. If it cost nothing to give a child all they needed to grow up and make the right choices I'd think we would not be having this conversation. But because the world we live in doesn't work like that, bills have to be paid, kids gotta eat and parents need some kind of assurance that they won't have to work all of their lives.

    You don't need any research to see that children pick up habits from their parents and those habits become difficult to break.

    But if you just want to call bw irresponsible and act like the fathers aren't also just as bad them go ahead.


    • GreenJagWar
      GreenJagWar commented
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      I apologize if you didn't see the part where I mentioned absent fathers. But you still didn't answer the question. Black women and Black men do NOT have the same challenges in life, relationships, or parenthood. That's not to say that there aren't some similar issues.