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Are white people Jewish?

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  • #16
    Here is one to definitely check out.


    I'm sharing this to give more understanding on the history of the Yahudim ("Jews"), the Inquisition and the subsequent period of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Our brotha in the UK put together an excellent historical study, which gives a more complete picture of the origins of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the Yahudi ("Jew") lineage of the Negro Diaspora. He shares the references in the presentation as well. After watching this, one should have a much better understanding of who the Yahudim ("Jews") were/are and who the Jew-ish were/are, that they were/are not the same people and why/how the Yahudim/Israelite lineage and heritage of the Diaspora is linked to the people of the Hebrew Scriptures and how that is different than simply observing the religion of Judaism.

    Also, this will cover the role of the Roman Catholic Church in targeting our ancestors for torture, exile, and enslavement primarily on the basis of their Yahudim ("Jew"/"Negro") heritage and observance of Torah, how the wealth of the exiled Yahudim ("Jews") and selling of the Yahudim was used to fund Spanish and Portuguese explorations (eg. Columbus' voyages), and why the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was by design the coalition of multiple factions to capture and trade this same stock of people (Yahudim/"Negroes") worldwide. None of this was random, and the abuses endured by our people today is but an extension of what they were enduring in the Middle Ages and forward. The system of White Supremacy has roots in the Reconquista by Spain and Portugal, at the behest of the Roman Catholic Church to eradicate the powerful influence of the Moors and Yahudim, and the European Renaissance period that followed. Once you understand that modern Judaism plays the same role as Roman Christianity in terms of whitewashing these faiths, by bastardizing the doctrine, replacing the iconography, the people, history, prophecy, etc., with their counterfeit versions, the understanding of why it is so important to keep the masses believing these lies will become clear. (For one it is an extremely profitable enterprise. But, most importantly to maintain control.) If it was common knowledge, that the lineage of the "Negroes"/"Blacks"/ "Diaspora" goes back to the Yahudim ("Jews") of Europe, West Africa, Congo, etc., and back farther to the original people of the Hebrew Scriptures in Israel, from whom the faiths of Christianity, Judaism and Islam all have roots, have "borrowed" principles, etc., it would change modern history as we know it, and faith in this current system would falter.

    I share several other resources in this thread, for those who have a spirit to seek this out further, and more importantly to understand the Hebrew Scriptures from our peoples' perspective. Many of our brothers and sisters around the world are throwing off the deceptions of major institutions and systems of psychological control, and seeking to relearn our history, the Hebrew Scriptures, and re-establish our relationship with the Creator, YAH, in "spirit and in truth. " (John 4:24) This is not to promote hate against anyone. This is to promote the healing of our people, through faith and hope in the Creator's plan for redeeming His people, as stated in multiple places in the Hebrew Scriptures, and also other people who share this same faith and hope. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile." - Romans 1:16

    Last edited by Yakuba; 06-02-2021, 03:05 PM.

