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Black women use white supremacy mostly through feminism against Black men

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  • Black women use white supremacy mostly through feminism against Black men

    The Crimson Cure is a female-run Y-T channel that is basically a Black 'manosphere' channel but in a woman perspective. She touches on what is key in the issues between the Black sexes, male & female. Specifically, she details feminism's role in our collective history and its many errors.

    This video is an attempt to explain Black women using white supremacy against the Black man.

    Watch and Listen

    She accuses Black women of using the weapons of white supremacy against the Black man while seeking protection of the Black man against the same white supremacy. I agree 100%. Feminism is a white supremacist movement for women. Luckily, I suppose, Black women could join with white women in feminism (still at the bottom) and gain a level of superiority; all they had to do was drop us...which they had done due to government's version of aid a.k.a horrible incentives. Put simply the government paid Black women to leave their partners and they did, which I don't blame on them entirely as I'm sure Black men's death's have always created a lack in our communities, they had to do something. But what happened, was unexpected.