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"Are Asians our allies?"

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  • "Are Asians our allies?"

    If you needed more proof that not only are a considerable amount of people brainwashed in this country but the media continues to try an exploit OUR problems for views and profit, this question alone holds enough evidence to show you that they are playing with us.
    Asians were not slaves in this country, the "War on Drugs" did not target or have anything to do with the mass incarceration of Black Americans, you had the FREEDOM of immigrating here. And when the president started mocking China because of a virus he failed to contain, and many of instances you can look up the definitely say that we should NOT be letting Asians in our business or any other group.
    But as they continue to lump our problems together with theirs, we are giving them VIP passes to feel the need to speak for us, for them to say they relate to us l or for them to think that there was ever a time in history where we have shared the same struggles.

    When is it going to end?

  • #2
    We may never be able to answer that question. I can't only just say it's only in the Asian community, I've seen it from other cultures and how they treat black people. I remember watching a video from a specific rap artist known as Killer Mike. I Remember he said that we must invest in black-owned businesses instead of others. For us to invest in our communities is to invest in a higher form of wealth investment in our people for future Generations.


    • #3
      Black people are allies to asians, but they are not allies to Black people.


      • #4
        Originally posted by GreenJagWar View Post
        Black people are allies to asians, but they are not allies to Black people.
        How do you think we should unite the people?


        • GreenJagWar
          GreenJagWar commented
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          The answer to that question is a very large project I certainly can't tell the whole thing at this time plus I haven't finished creating it yet. But the direction I have been going is towards rebuilding the Black community...I think first we need to build trust among each other. Actually create a community of ADOS and allies who are focused, primarily, on the liberation of ADOS. So, we could have Asian allies but only if they are for ADOS liberation.

      • #5
        I believe we can address this with having mutuality understanding with our business. They need to buy and sell black own products from our business, but that would also mean us doing the same on there end. Not a simple task. If none of them are applied consequences must be applied by not going to each other's businesses and dealing with our own profit as best as we can. We can choose to not do business with them but we must respect the laws that are not discriminatory on both sides of the coin. This is just a thought.


        • Baba Ras
          Baba Ras commented
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          We have freely given Asian Businesses our Dollars for nearly 40 yrs now since their stores became staples of "black communities".
          But in that same amount of time Asians have NEVER supported Black Business as a group, not even when they live in black neighborhoods. The only exception is a rappers or Ballers clothing line or shoes.
          So this idea that we need to do more to show our solidarity with asians when we have already done so in the most vital way poossible(ECONOMICALLY), is ridiculous and shameful. Especially with them REFUSING to reciprocate.
          I say we owe them nothing and we should leave their businesses alone.
          Maybe even remove them from our communities.
          My opinion.

      • #6
        If seen and personally witnessed the mistreatment of African Americans by Asians. They've been treating us like crap,crazy, we still support their businesses......I definitely do not eat their food,or support their nail salon......never


        • #7
          An equally relevant question is to ask if we can assist Asian's in keeping a hold on white supremacy, not domestically but internationally. China scares white people and that's good even if it is irrational fear.


          • Baba Ras
            Baba Ras commented
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            Thats thinking logic

        • #8
          One of the things that bother me is that we black folks cannot make distinctions between east Asians and Southeast Asians, or even Central Asians. I assume the OP is referencing people that have "slant eyes" and not Indians from India who are also a part of Asia. Do we black folks have allies? No. We aren't even our own allies. We spend a tremendous amount of energy being crabs in a barrel. We mock each other, hell even some Africans don't even respect us. To the one that said "blacks are allies" is full of it. Maybe in your state but in Cali it is Dog-eat-dog. Th black community has pocket alliances and not a complete unified alliance and with that being said, the only thing I can say here is most communities love our style, swag, language, but don't want our issues. Asians in Cali in Long Beach bang black gangs like the Crips. However, go to Chinatown you get treated much differently..


          • #9
            Originally posted by GreenJagWar View Post
            An equally relevant question is to ask if we can assist Asian's in keeping a hold on white supremacy, not domestically but internationally. China scares white people and that's good even if it is irrational fear.
            China doesn't care about your black a** either.


            • GreenJagWar
              GreenJagWar commented
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              And? Do they have to care about me to exhibit pressure on white people? No.

          • #10
            Originally posted by Yautja View Post
            One of the things that bother me is that we black folks cannot make distinctions between east Asians and Southeast Asians, or even Central Asians. I assume the OP is referencing people that have "slant eyes" and not Indians from India who are also a part of Asia. Do we black folks have allies? No. We aren't even our own allies. We spend a tremendous amount of energy being crabs in a barrel. We mock each other, hell even some Africans don't even respect us. To the one that said "blacks are allies" is full of it. Maybe in your state but in Cali it is Dog-eat-dog. Th black community has pocket alliances and not a complete unified alliance and with that being said, the only thing I can say here is most communities love our style, swag, language, but don't want our issues. Asians in Cali in Long Beach bang black gangs like the Crips. However, go to Chinatown you get treated much differently..
            I agree on that part about the black community having a pocket alliance. But because they keep pushing the question and those who are brainwashed into thinking we are allies are going to argue against us it's almost like the system has made it to where we cannot do for ourselves because there is always a group supported by the integration integrationalists and coons who think their opinion stands for all of us.

            It leads to a good question on if we have no allies amongst us how can we fight what's happening to us?


            • #11
              Originally posted by GreenJagWar View Post
              An equally relevant question is to ask if we can assist Asian's in keeping a hold on white supremacy, not domestically but internationally. China scares white people and that's good even if it is irrational fear.
              They aren't keeping a hold on it, despite what you see Asians still need white validation and it's even ingrained into their own societies. So Asians will always defend white supremacy, but they just won't go for it when it's against them.


              • #12
                Originally posted by 400years View Post
                It leads to a good question on if we have no allies amongst us how can we fight what's happening to us?
                That is a very good question. Honestly in my opinion we create a "black alliance" through circumstantial convenience. George Floyd's death seemed to temporarily galvanize the black community but wait a year or two, his name will be fizzled out and we will go back to hating each other. Like I said in another post we cannot do anything simple such as greet each other with a hello unless the men think we are dogging them or the women think we are trying to holler. The cause of this I believe is slavery and we have been indoctrinated for so long and conditioned to behave in a certain manner not to mention that being perpetuated by media so psychologically we are continuously conditioned to behave that way thus perpetuating the cycle of aggression within our community. Again we fight causes by convenience irrespective to our issues at large. The same black women that raise their fist up and call you brother and ask you o defend them are the same ones that will call you dusty if you try to holler at them respectfully. The same men who bark and holler about no justice no peace using bullhorns are the same ones that will sell you out if the price is right. Honestly I'm over it cause I've tried a long time to be this "pro-black" person but I'm burnt out


                • #13
                  Originally posted by 400years View Post

                  They aren't keeping a hold on it, despite what you see Asians still need white validation and it's even ingrained into their own societies. So Asians will always defend white supremacy, but they just won't go for it when it's against them.
                  I don't agree. Don't base your understanding of ALL Asians on the Asian American community.


                  • #14
                    Originally posted by 400years View Post

                    I agree on that part about the black community having a pocket alliance. But because they keep pushing the question and those who are brainwashed into thinking we are allies are going to argue against us it's almost like the system has made it to where we cannot do for ourselves because there is always a group supported by the integration integrationalists and coons who think their opinion stands for all of us.

                    It leads to a good question on if we have no allies amongst us how can we fight what's happening to us?
                    No, I get it. I'm not saying that I disagree because I do.

