I believe 85-90 percent of black women get ran through by non Black males ...
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What Percentage Of BW Do U Believe Are Bedwenches
Nooo bruh, you say there's problems with the females within our race of ppl, I say it's beyond problems, as something as just the nagging irritating part, but anytime you have a breed of females, that despise tradition, regarding their great grand mothers, "SOMETHINGS WRONG" with the females within that group...
I agree that a lot of our Queens are sleep. I think it's hard for them to be who they naturally are when a lot of us so called "Kings" have lost our way. Us men are supposed to protect our women. Most of us don't. Us men are supposed to be the dominant influence in our childrens lives. Most are not. Us men are supposed to protect our homes and communities. Most are the source of the problems. It's shameful to see a lot of us males with identity crisis. Wanting to be females acting more feminine than women. Not taking care of our children and families. Worried more about material things than the people who should matter the most to us. Women tend to take on the personality of the men in their lives. So if the men are not right, the women and children won't be right. Therefore we have the chaos in our lives. If we want the females to be on point, then we first must be on point. How can you cheat on your women, having her believe you are faithful, bring that level of deception into your own home and think everything will be fine? If you are capable of deceiving someone you claim to love and may have brought your seed into this world, then you are capable of ANYTHING!!! And can not be trusted. A lot of us brothas have to do better if we want the ones around us to be better. WE SET THE TONE!!! We can not be walking HYPOCRITES saying one thing in public view while doing the opposite when we think no one is watching. Our women need us more than ever. And a lot of us are letting them down. Yes, Black women are curvaceous and beautiful. But that doesn't mean they should be sexually exploited. Especially by us. Again brothas, it's OUR JOB to protect our women, children and communities. I know it's not all of us. But to the ones that are not stepping up, WAKE UP, so our sistas can stop being SLEEP!!
Shout out to the MANY BROTHAS who do their JOB!!!!!!! ALL LOVE FAMILY!!!!!! PEACE!!!!!!!!
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I disagree, you fail to realize! These females you call queens, don't want blkmen around! And you as supposed blkman should know, we have the only group of females, that mastered how to run a man off... Now, you say bruthaz not there for their kids? Well, technically in blk communities, are you saying that blk females allow their own flesh and blood brothers, male cousins, nephews etc to just be a bunch of nobodies??? You saying when it comes to blkmen in the u.s, bruthaz are infact dead beats!! Including yourself... Smh, clearly blk females have brain washed you... So when you have 692+ blk females get infected with hiv grom the same white guy=dj kid, in south carolina, I GUESS BLKMEN ARE TO BLAME FOR THAT AS WELL HUH??? It shouldve been the mothers who taught the daughters to be a lil fast tail heffa...
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