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The Darkskinned Black American Male is Endangered

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  • The Darkskinned Black American Male is Endangered

    The Dark skinned Black-American Male is endangered. While in public, Whenever I see a dark skinned black man, he is "broken". Dark skinned black men whom I see are either the bummy degenerate dread head chief keef wannabee , homeless looking, infemminate, homosexual, overweight, nerdy, or a goofy dark skinned guy who is just non-threatening to society. Rarely do I see the type of dark skinned black men whom would be considered a threat to white society aka The Real Black Man. "The Real Black Man" is endangered and rare to come across. "The Real Black Man" is the type of black man whom reigned supreme in the 90s, the type of black man who is well rounded.... He's hip without being a thug, has swagger, carries himself with class, intelligent, and carries himself with his head high, and typically he is over 6 feet. This type of black man is the type of black man whom women desire, but at the same time this is the type of black man who is a threat and gets hated on in today's anti black American male society.

    Most dark skinned black men today are just hanging on, this society has done a good job in breaking the dark skinned black American male, this has been an orchestrated agenda. Furthermore, most dark skinned black men today are not seen as suitors by women due to the bad condition we are in, so that's y it's easy for women to turn down the few black men who fit the "Real Black Man" archetype....black men are judged as a collective, and the black men whom are suitors are seen as a very rare anomally who can be snubbed and glossed over.
