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The Age Black Men Receive The Most Oppression

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  • The Age Black Men Receive The Most Oppression

    The oppressive spirit is highest against black men whom appear to be in their early 20s.

    The primary war against the black man begins in his late teens/early 20s, peeks around early-to mid 20s, and lasts until said black man appears to no longer be in his 20s.

    THis is the age range where women oppose black men, orchestrated agenda to strip black men in their 20s away from the sexual market. If you appear to be past your 20s then women will be more cordial and nice to you as a black man. Many ppl may assume black men of this age range don't get a$$, not because not being attractive, but because ppl in this society know that their is an orchestrated agenda to oppose younger black men in all factets of society.

    This is the age range when ppl feel like they can blatantly belittle black men and literally expect black men to take the disrespect as if said treatment is normal. Asking strange questions that they have no business asking someone who is over 18-21, asking critical questions to said black men on sight, such as "what are you doing here", "do you work or go to school"etc
    this is the age range where ppl act as if a black man's existence is a taboo..as if said black men have to apologize for their existence....the only thing a black man in his 20s is allowed to do is work and he is not to fully be able to enjoy his life, he is basically to live life like he is under oppression and must apologize for his existence. Said black men aren't allowed to step outside without their every move being critiqued, and is always expected to always be doing something concerning work. if a black man in his 20s isn't going to work or coming from work his face is not to be seen in a public setting

    this is the age range where people try to front on black men as if their not adults. As long as if it a black man under 30 then socially ur to be talked to and perceived like a 18 year old kid who still hasn't fully reached Manhood.. deep down it's because ppl fear black Manhood and want to go to any extreme length to not perceive said black man as a real man.

    young black men are seen as an oppressed class. Ur automatically assumed to never had a girlfriend before, ppl automatically will come to the conclusion that u never been married or have kids, because they know it's an orchestrated agenda to not give said black men a$$.

    As a black man in 20s ur automatically assumed to not have achieved anything, ur supposed to be so broken and toredown that ur not supposed to have any drive or mental stability to even try to achieve anything.

    there is a special agenda against black men in their 20s and the root of it is due to a man's evolutionary peek being in his 20s

  • #2
    Originally posted by TheShip WillSail View Post
    The oppressive spirit is highest against black men whom appear to be in their early 20s.

    The primary war against the black man begins in his late teens/early 20s, peeks around early-to mid 20s, and lasts until said black man appears to no longer be in his 20s.

    THis is the age range where women oppose black men, orchestrated agenda to strip black men in their 20s away from the sexual market. If you appear to be past your 20s then women will be more cordial and nice to you as a black man. Many ppl may assume black men of this age range don't get a$$, not because not being attractive, but because ppl in this society know that their is an orchestrated agenda to oppose younger black men in all factets of society.

    This is the age range when ppl feel like they can blatantly belittle black men and literally expect black men to take the disrespect as if said treatment is normal. Asking strange questions that they have no business asking someone who is over 18-21, asking critical questions to said black men on sight, such as "what are you doing here", "do you work or go to school"etc
    this is the age range where ppl act as if a black man's existence is a taboo..as if said black men have to apologize for their existence....the only thing a black man in his 20s is allowed to do is work and he is not to fully be able to enjoy his life, he is basically to live life like he is under oppression and must apologize for his existence. Said black men aren't allowed to step outside without their every move being critiqued, and is always expected to always be doing something concerning work. if a black man in his 20s isn't going to work or coming from work his face is not to be seen in a public setting

    this is the age range where people try to front on black men as if their not adults. As long as if it a black man under 30 then socially ur to be talked to and perceived like a 18 year old kid who still hasn't fully reached Manhood.. deep down it's because ppl fear black Manhood and want to go to any extreme length to not perceive said black man as a real man.

    young black men are seen as an oppressed class. Ur automatically assumed to never had a girlfriend before, ppl automatically will come to the conclusion that u never been married or have kids, because they know it's an orchestrated agenda to not give said black men a$$.

    As a black man in 20s ur automatically assumed to not have achieved anything, ur supposed to be so broken and toredown that ur not supposed to have any drive or mental stability to even try to achieve anything.

    there is a special agenda against black men in their 20s and the root of it is due to a man's evolutionary peek being in his 20s

    Good post bruh. I agree with this. I went through the same thing when I was young man. Now that I am old, people look past me like I'm not even there. My face has gotten full and my body has changed too. I don't really care, but when I was a much better-looking man when I was young, women use to give me grief out here in the Bay Area. Many of them simply don't want to find you attractive.


    • #3
      I am 25 and can say this is majorly true. Adding my 2 cents... I believe another target age for the system to emasculate and disgrace black men is in their formative years of elementary school. Growing up in Souther California I experienced racism's torment from 5-16. This took place in a private school. If you are even interested in my story I have a youtube channel that is the same as my username here. In short, I was a straight A student but that did not stop the teachers from making especially sure to punish me often and more severely for doing similar things as other children, not punishing other children adequately for using racial slurs, and making derogatory jokes aimed towards black people openly in class. Even though i stood up for myself when it came to the other children (as best as i knew how at the time), I could not really do anything to check teachers who singled me out or made racist jokes. My parents were torn between a "good education" and my weakening sanity. I suffered terribly from depression and anxiety by 16. I still am working through the things i endured back then through therapy now. I have made progress, but i would say this to any fathers using this platform. BLACK MEN listen to your children about their day thoroughly and do not prioritize their "education" over their mental health and self image. I would not wish my circumstances there on any of our children. Yahweh bless you all.


      • #4
        I agree. The majority of disrespect and violence in America is reserved for young Black males. White Supremacists see YBMs as their biggest threat, so they make a point to target them, and the rest of society goes along with it. And I have to be honest as a man in his mid 30s, it doesn’t get much better. The good news is we can use the pain and rejection to our advantage. Nobody is quite built like us. That’s why when **** hits the fan in this country you notice it’s everybody else who is panicking the most

