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Black Men R Judged For Flaws

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  • Black Men R Judged For Flaws

    American Black Men R the most critically judged people on the planet...as an American Black Man ur always being judged for a flaw, and it's because ppl always want to hold something against u.

    Nothing can be wrong with you, and ppl will somehow still be able to find something to hold against u.....a black man not having a beard is literally grounds for ppl to say he isn't mature or responsible enough.

    Everything about a black man is judged critically such as how you walk,how u carry urself, ur demeanor, u could be perfect in all regards, but some how ppl will still be able to find a microflaw in ur deamenor and exaggerate the smallest flaw u have and make it out to be like ur damn near disabled .

    The flaw ppl hold against me is that I look young and have a youthful demeanor and ppl use it against me to always assume I'm not responsible

    Or the other flaw ppl hold against me is that I don't have the super serious GI Joe demeanor....most ppl don't have that demeanor of any race, but for some reason ppl hold black men to these harsh standards, Purposefully just so they be able to hold a flaw against u.

    Or if ur not super muscular, it's seen as a weakness to boy you down...no one else has to be a muscle man just to be seen as manly enough ...

    If ppl can't hold anything against u, a lot of times they will use the fact that ur a black man to flaw u ....literally the fact that ur a black man ....they will use it against u to hold negative stereotypes against u even of u carry urself well.
    Last edited by TheShip WillSail; 01-22-2022, 06:39 AM.