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Why do we as black folks reject our brothers & sisters outside of the projects?

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  • Why do we as black folks reject our brothers & sisters outside of the projects?

    Something I've had to deal with my entire life. Being rejected by other folk because I came up outside of the hood. My parents from the hood but took me and my sister out of the hood. We used to sleep on my grand mama bed we had to knock roaches off our body when we slept, but I grew up in and around the suburb. I love my people I don't hate my skin or other blk people but still have to deal with the disrespect. I met a lot of fake gangsters play play nigg*s who have the nicest house, clothes, shoes, and vehicles but act like they from Chicago or a real live project. Some words...Knowledge pls should I just not be me? Or fake ghetto/hood it like everyone else or these want to be wht churn who watch too much mtv?

  • #2
    Nah bruh. You should just be you.
    Don't fake being ghetto/hood like everyone else you see.
    The only 2 things that it will get you in is either being put in jail, or dead bruh.
    Keep being yourself.


    • #3
      I agree with jboldeniv. You should fucus on you and be yourself. There are plenty of cultures in places in the hood that are fake as you said Geechi86. When your true to yourself, no one can take away your individuality.


      • #4
        Stop kicking it around or with them dumb negros Brother. I got love for all Black people regardless of class unless they show themselves to be a Sell out.

