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White Women....

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  • White Women....

    Most white women and non-black women r racist. They r not a solid option for black men. Most white women/non-black women r sexually attracted to black men, but their racism won't allow them to go along with doing anything with a black man. If they r extremely attracted to an individual black men, at most they'll just be on the fence about him...it's a constant tug of war with non-black women, physically they can be very attracted to a black man but their racist conditioning will try to fight their attraction to the said individual black man.

    If non-black women do give a black guy a chance he has to be very successful or be the type of black man that society doesn't oppose, such as a lighter skinned black man, a nerdy black man etc....if ur the type of black man who carries himself like a real black man , then 9/10 non-black women will oppose you, even if they find you attractive.

    Just my thoughts...

  • #2
    Black Men really have no ally.

    Black Women have no respect for you since they linked up with uncle sam. some 60 years ago (but they still take D)
    Non White for reasons you've mentioned (but not opposed to the D either)

    Black men have no respect in most scenarios.
    And I used to think sex was the most important thing. but as Ive gotten older, nothing.....NOTHING is more important than respect. and peace.

    I don't think this will change until black men make use of their greatest resource. (other black men) (to build)
    The answer to that should be black women but .... thats in a perfect world.


    • #3
      When I read this kinda stuff I start second guessing my relationship despite never running into any red flags. My girl is white, and she's never been anything but good to me. She's supportive, helpful, and does a lot that makes me know that she cares about me as a person. Not just sex, but she's encouraging, giving, and sharing. I've dated from pretty much every ethnicity besides middle eastern and of course I love my Sistas, but our relationship was kinda by windfall and I'm not out here chasing snowbunnies. I'm not saying that she's perfect or any goofball fairy tale nonsense, but she's a good chick.


      • #4
        Originally posted by KeyworkSentry View Post
        When I read this kinda stuff I start second guessing my relationship despite never running into any red flags. My girl is white, and she's never been anything but good to me. She's supportive, helpful, and does a lot that makes me know that she cares about me as a person. Not just sex, but she's encouraging, giving, and sharing. I've dated from pretty much every ethnicity besides middle eastern and of course I love my Sistas, but our relationship was kinda by windfall and I'm not out here chasing snowbunnies. I'm not saying that she's perfect or any goofball fairy tale nonsense, but she's a good chick.
        That's cool bruh. I'm glad that you found a woman that loves you for you.


        • #5
          This ship will Sail., thank you for your input on your thoughts of white women or non black women. I somewhat disagree, I believe it's a matter of cultural context between both cultures between black people and other people of colour including white people. If the cultural norm is about black men not being successful enough to be a family man, I would say the cultural racist biased is the reason why they're doing that. Some cultures do need to evolve over time in order to become more Progressive. This would take long over time for that realization of the black experience with other cultures, wherever they are around the world. I have a friend who is a white female who is currently in a relationship with a black man. It's quite possible overtime she noticed that my qualities of being a black person was very positive in her life. Over time she ended up going out with and starting a relationship with a black man that she loves you very dearly and also has a child as well. To repeat what I've stated it's the culture within the society that dictates that racist views towards black men as a historical false Norm. We need to break that cultural norm so that we can be considered as human beings to those people wherever they are.

