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27 years old

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  • 27 years old

    27 is a special age in a black mans life. 27 is the cross roads between a black man's youth and his 30s. Since black men age differently than many other demographics, a black mans youth last longer. Furthermore, black men are held to harsher standards of manhood and the age required to be considered a real man as a black man and not a kid begins in the 28-30 range.

    27 is when a black man is judged the most critically. Since 27 is a black mans last straw before "real manhood", black men are held to the now or never standards. You are basically expected to be on ur grind 24/7, and are expected to not have any fun in your life. At this age ppl are always being critical of you in some way "aren't u supposed to be at work?", "Do u work or got to school". " I saw u a couple weeks ago at the mall, what were u doing there"? At 27 a black man is basically supposed to apologize for the fact he exists.

    Since ppl have an issue and fear of black manhood a black man is considered an adolescent all the way through 27 years old... This is the last age ppl can openly boy u down, without feeling like u can't say anything to defend urself, because ur supposed to feel like a child at 27.