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The Plight Of The Young American Black Man

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  • The Plight Of The Young American Black Man

    Ppl have it out against black men whom are or appear to be in their 20s. What is the issue though? Is it Jealousy? Envy? Or is it because we're seen as an up-and-coming threat to white supremacy whom people need to tear down?..or maybe it's a combination of all 3...

    Women especially have a beef with young black men, lol whenever I come across women they make it their duty to turn their heads the other way, look down, or pull out their cell phone...and the vibe I get when they do it is that their doing it to specifically tear me down. I'm 6'3 and very handsome, and walk with a very confident demeanor, my walk is so confident that I can sense it on myself when I look at myself walk. I'm the type of black man who society has a huge issue with, Women r trying to blacklist me from the sexual market, ppl have a demonic issue with black men like me.

    Women who are interested in me even oppose me...they will show interest but won't even open a message that I send to them, literally. Their doing it to tear me down. Literally women who like me won't even open a message that I send to them, it's a huge agenda to tear me down. Women r trying to starve me out of the sexual market, and it has nothing to do with me not being attractive, because I am objectively attractive in looks and sex appeal.

    I also get a lot of issues at the workplace as well.... My whole life literally since I was kindergarten, ppl have been out to tear me down....something is spiritually tied to me, I believe I'm one of god's 144,000 elect israelites who are under attack by evil.in the bible it says that gods elect 144,000 israelites will be preyed on by evil during the current tribulation times.

  • #2

    The below posts from my blog address the situation that you're going through.


    • #3
      You should look into Amazon FBA so that you can look into working for yourself. I’m slowly, but surely, doing the same. https://gpsuniversity.teachable.com/

