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Black Men We Must Act Now

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  • Black Men We Must Act Now

    My fellow black men..we can no longer allow this society to run this demonic game on us . We must act fast and counter this society..we must join forces and brainstorm ways to get out of this societal opression that we are under....

    One of my ideas is for black men to leave America for good and start our society elsewhere.

    What should black men do to counter this demonic society?

  • #2
    Originally posted by TheShip WillSail View Post
    My fellow black men..we can no longer allow this society to run this demonic game on us . We must act fast and counter this society..we must join forces and brainstorm ways to get out of this societal opression that we are under....

    One of my ideas is for black men to leave America for good and start our society elsewhere.

    What should black men do to counter this demonic society?
    In my opinion, black men should form support groups, they should have a skill, and if they can't find what they are looking for here, they should leave America.


    • #3
      Originally posted by TheShip WillSail View Post
      My fellow black men..we can no longer allow this society to run this demonic game on us . We must act fast and counter this society..we must join forces and brainstorm ways to get out of this societal opression that we are under....

      One of my ideas is for black men to leave America for good and start our society elsewhere.

      What should black men do to counter this demonic society?
      I hear you, but I don't think we have to necessarily leave America to counter the BS. Black men need to start networking with eachother silently. I mean in terms of (business, education, economics, strategies, etc). Build an underground network of brothers, so we can stop relying on everybody else. Just my thoughts...


      • Baba Ras
        Baba Ras commented
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        Im with THIS IDEA

    • #4
      Yeah black women have a national sisterhood, when they see each other, the help is so overwhelming it changes them, if they were not already changed. black women in my experience, leave us out. Its soo bad, the nasty looks in the professional workplace. black men got to ban together if were going to stop backstabbing each other smh


      • Michael44
        Michael44 commented
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        Black women are the main ones protesting for us black men during BLM protests, but many of our brothers are anti black women so black women feel betrayed.

      • Baba Ras
        Baba Ras commented
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        we have to stop this emotional reswntment towards CERTAIN black women who dont do right.
        So if we plan on carving out a space for Black men and we want a second generation of Black Men to carry on what we build, WE WILL NEED BLACK WOMBMEN

    • #5
      I agree that Black men need to come together but, like everything else, building a community of Black men will be complicated because of the history of incorrect and inappropriate actions that we have taken towards each other...I believe mostly due to the drug war and the related mass incarceration. I think finding a proper understanding of drugs is a good start and luckily there is a scientist who wrote a book about our mistaken understanding of drugs, especially the 'illegal' ones.

      Also, we have to deal with gangs in our communities and the violence that occurs with poverty. We need to help them and also help prepare them to challenge the white supremacist government. Woodson said we may need to find a way to get Black churches in the fight with us and I think they can help with that once they can be directed towards goals that help Black people.

      It will be a big task to turn our people back towards freedom but it must be done, right?


      • Baba Ras
        Baba Ras commented
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        And i think we should apply pressure. Because like the originator of this convo said, we have to act now.
        We have to heavily incentivize churches and gangs as well as business leaders to get on code, and with the gangs we have to be men and give them the ultimatum:
        Either get on code or get out

    • #6
      the ideology or mental frame of reference to countering the majority of racism is the acceptance of the evolutionary genetics point of view about within and between population biology. when we see race as a series of climatic adaptations due to natural selection instead of the hierarchical will of "god", the name calling stops and you can control the contents of your own thoughts about the biological systems and their meanings around you.

      we must forsake our immortal soul for racial peace and harmony


      • Baba Ras
        Baba Ras commented
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        I Disagree
        First off, Sacrificing your IMMORTAL SOUL for physical gains = MISSION FAILURE
        2. We need to have Pride in our Ethnic heritage as a motivating force for self-determination.
        How can we rally as a people there is no distinction as a people?

    • #7
      Yes we are long overdue for a reality check - We need each other. BM we are strong and even stronger together..stop putting each other down, showing off, murdering one another...We must unite the other nations fear us - they know what we are capable of.

      Also second that on the BW sisterhood comment. The sistas stick together and fight for us always. No reason why we cant either


      • #8
        Everyone of you are right. We have to acknowledge each other. Look in your community. Who owns all the businessess? Arabs, Asians, people from India and the white man. Let's talk to other black men and listen to their respective and join forces. Black people vs everybody!


        • Baba Ras
          Baba Ras commented
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          Agreed Brother

      • #9
        I think we should start acting like a nation or atleast a community that is dependant from the U.S. But that would warrant the need of putting an effort into building the pillars of what makes someone self suffcient. For example, the pre-integration black community although lacking alot of the resources the colonials had where by all intents and purposes self sufficient. They had there own banks grocery stores, hotels, car companies all of the things that are important to the economic well being of a community. Now my suggestion is to return to this through a large promotion and shift back to black owned business and the heavy investment of the entrepenurial class within the black community by the black community. It's not the fault of asians and arabs that they decided to exploit the niche that is stores in low income areas. It is the fault of the black community for not having those structures already in place. I also think that the black community specializing in a vital industry that the U.S is dependant on can give us some leverage and a bargaining chip of need be. I also think working with other minority ethnic groups is essential also. But I think that is only possible through the black community having a strong economic class so we have something to offer.


        • Baba Ras
          Baba Ras commented
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          Economic Discipline is certainly a Primary to self-determination
          However we absolutely have to removee foreign businesses from our communities if we want to have a space for our own businesses to compete

      • #10
        Originally posted by TheShip WillSail View Post
        My fellow black men..we can no longer allow this society to run this demonic game on us. We must act fast and counter this society..we must join forces and brainstorm ways to get out of this societal oppression that we are under...

        One of my ideas is for black men to leave America for good and start our society elsewhere.

        What should black men do to counter this demonic society?
        I wish to let my feelings known, I don't think that we should go anywhere.
        Amerikkka is not their country, they stole it, we leave and they are getting exactly what they want,..... they win.
        I'm no quitter, they are organized, they are training, so we do the same.
        Do you really think that if we all went back to Africa, that we would have it better?
        Come on my Brothers, trust me, we would not, do you not know just how corrupt it is across Africa?
        People are being killed by their own people in Africa, the white man controls all the countries that have gold and diamonds in Africa, which is only 5 Countries out of 54.
        We have to stop putting up with these demons killing us, I think that they want a civil war,.... no, I know that they do, I have heard them say it.


        • Baba Ras
          Baba Ras commented
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          This is NOT their land and we will not FLEE
          Blood of Our Ancestors who predate "Amerika" is still on this soil without Justice
          We would shame them by running across the ocean into the political puppetry of African Leaders under Western Banks
          We stay
          We resist
          We build
          And we RESPOND when we are Offended

      • #11
        This country was built on the backs of our ancestors its time we pull together and take what's ours brothers....


        • #12
          We can't share this country with them because as long as a living thing has access to oxygen it won't ever die. In order to take this country we have to start thinking like the warriors our ancestors used to be. We have to stop thinking that the goal is liberation when the real goal should be world domination. Equality is just code for assimilation, and once we start to see ourselves as equals to the people who brought us here, exploited us and spread his poison all over the world then we have officially lost the battle. They say the strong do not ask for anything, they take what they want. Well if we want everlasting peace for our future generations of African brothers and sisters we need to stop playing their games and take what's ours back.


          • TheShip WillSail
            TheShip WillSail commented
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            Finally!!! Yep we on the same page! Those holding hands wit white folks and marching days r over...time to get on some haitian revolution ish!

          • Baba Ras
            Baba Ras commented
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            We have to restructure a quiet system of communication off these airways Bros

        • #13
          I have some ideas sent me a DM if yall are willing to link.

