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Blackpill- How George Floyd saved black men.

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  • Blackpill- How George Floyd saved black men.

    I said the same thing along time ago. George Floyd's death made white society malfunction. Not only did it strike a chord with black people, it struck a cord with everyone around the globe. White people knew that they had went too far. You don't kill a man in cold blood like that. Derek Chauvin was so brazen that he killed George Floyd in front of everyone.

    What this brother says is true. However, what bothers me about the incident with George Floyd, and other black men who have died, is that a black man always has to die before change is made. We are hated by almost every group while we are alive. This society does not want black men to EVER be real men. They don't think that way about any other ethnic group. I know one thing, ever since the George Floyd incident, people are a lot friendlier in the Bay. I attribute it to two things: COVID-19, and George Floyd's death.

    A black man shouldn't have to die in order for change to be made. It was same thing with the civil rights movement. When they killed Martin Luther King Jr., that was when radical change was made. The bottom line: most people, unless they actually CARE about black men, don't want black men to become real men.


  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    I said the same thing along time ago. George Floyd's death made white society malfunction. Not only did it strike a chord with black people, it struck a cord with everyone around the globe. White people knew that they had went too far. You don't kill a man in cold blood like that. Derek Chauvin was so brazen that he killed George Floyd in front of everyone.

    What this brother says is true. However, what bothers me about the incident with George Floyd, and other black men who have died, is that a black man always has to die before change is made. We are hated by almost every group while we are alive. This society does not want black men to EVER be real men. They don't think that way about any other ethnic group. I know one thing, ever since the George Floyd incident, people are a lot friendlier in the Bay. I attribute it to two things: COVID-19, and George Floyd's death.

    A black man shouldn't have to die in order for change to be made. It was same thing with the civil rights movement. When they killed Martin Luther King Jr., that was when radical change was made. The bottom line: most people, unless they actually CARE about black men, don't want black men to become real men.

    The fear that everybody has of black men becoming real men is illogical. White Supremacy is starting to get outdated. Real black men is what this country needs, right along with real men of any other race. About black men going to war, most people want to live a good life. More black men would be going to war if they had a woman that loved him, and a good life. They would always have positive thoughts about their life being good. They can go to the grave and say that I live a good life. It really doesn't benefit society to keep
    black men out of the game. Period.
    Paid In Full Business GIF


    • #3
      It's sad that our deaths are monetized and hijacked by other "allies" to bring attention to their issues especially by the Brown gang.

      To this day I've never seen his killing bc I can't get pass the fact it happened in broad daylight and no one helped


      • #4
        Yep. I agree with you.


        • #5
          yea its getting less racist out here since covid 29 and the george flyod incident...in my city it was racist as heck until early this year, u could literally feel the racism in the atmosphere....now im starting to see black men with women, which i didnt start to see until this yr


          • #6
            Originally posted by TheShip WillSail View Post
            yea its getting less racist out here since covid 29 and the george flyod incident...in my city it was racist as heck until early this year, u could literally feel the racism in the atmosphere....now im starting to see black men with women, which i didnt start to see until this yr
            Where you from

