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Ppl Have An Issue With A Darskinned Black Man Being Tall And Handsome

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  • Ppl Have An Issue With A Darskinned Black Man Being Tall And Handsome

    Yea ppl have an issue with a darkskinned black man being tall and handsome ... Ppl have an issue with me everywhere i go and I'm always the center of attention...sometimes I feel like ppl revolve around me.

    When I'm out in public and decent females are around and I wanna holla, I can't even make a move due to extreme cockblock vibes I get from security guards....and I know it has something to do with me being a 6'3 very attractive darkskinned black man....ppl revolve around tall darkskinned black men's sexuality , especially if ur handsome.

    Even where I live the janitors have an issue with me.... And these are other black men smh.... Whenever I come across them I get this vibe that I somehow offended them without me doing a dang thing ... I can be standing in the hallway and they will have an issue with the fact that I'm standing in the hallway minding my own business, it's like ppl have an issue with the fact I exist.

    I also sometimes get a vibe from ppl that they have an issue with the fact that I'm standing up..literally the act of me standing will cause ppl to have an issue with me..when I go to the grocery store I also get a vibe that ppl have an issue with me standing up browsing for groceries, as if I did something to them.... Ppl have an issue with the fact that I exist, literally

    If I stand in a place for a couple min in public I always get a vibe from ppl that they have an issue with me just standing there minding my own business..and I know it's because I'm a 6'3 very handsome darkskinned guy...ppl have an issue with black men whom are superior.

    When I'm at work and I walk around ..I always get a vibe that ppl wanna interfere with me and somehow get in my business...when ur a tall handsome darskinned guy everyone revolves around u and r looking for any excuse to be in ur business..at work I even avoid eye contact cause if I glance at someone for more than 3 seconds it will give them the excuse to exert themselves in my business and try to boss me around. Im an empath and can sense the energy ppl give off so I can sense nonverbal racism....

    As a darkskinned black man u can't even mention that ur handsome around other black ppl without them getting offended....ppl have an issue with a darkskinned guy being attractive till the point that ppl don't even want u to mention it ..but any other skin tone can mention their attractiveness without others getting offended...as a black man ppl don't want u to know ur true self worth and you r to downplay urself to make others happy.

    I can make this post even longer but I'll end it here...I might do a part 2 to this subject.

  • #2
    I understand it because I have the same issue people Target me for no reason only thing I can think of is that I'm a 6-foot black man and dark complexion I think they're more envious than anything else


  • #3
    Please do a Part 2 because this has to be discussed. It is a hellish mixture of jealousy, envy, fascination, inferiority, etc. As stated we are not allowed to simply exist let alone be confident in ourselves and appearance. It sucks because I feel that I'm humble in regards to knowing I am an attractive BM. I show respect and kindness to everyone and I don't try and compete with other men especially other bruthas, in most cases I'm reserved but its never enough. You are unwillingly always the center of attention in the room, people are very nosey when it comes to your personal life and wanna know who your sleeping with, your look/style is constantly copied by the males of other races, females of other races see you as a walking dildo with no self worth. Give me a break.


    • TheShip WillSail
      TheShip WillSail commented
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      Oh wow....we see things exactly the same way..we notice the same stuff ..I'm always the center of attention and ppl always r in my business and I always get vibes that ppl r always tryna penis police me..at my job I can't even casually talk to the females cause the Mexican men be giving me fuming cock block vibes ..and I can't even be 100 ft from a woman without them thinking I wanna sleep with them

    • TheShip WillSail
      TheShip WillSail commented
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      Would u like to be a guest on my youtube channel to talk about our plight of what we mentioned on this post

    • OnSilentWings
      OnSilentWings commented
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      Mhmm you are not alone! Absolute carnage out here for the black man, especially if your good looking...and again I'm not trying to sound shallow or put myself on a pedestal just being real. I've experienced this the most in my early twenties trying to navigate manhood and consistently coming to the conclusion that as black man attractive or not we are just on our own. In my opinion at least there is unity amongst the sistas since they have strong girl code and they are women and will stick together, however there is no such thing amongst men. The men from the other races cant stand us let alone a handsome brother hence where all the cock blocking occurs and sadly yes even other black men will spite you for no apparent reason other than just cuz!

      *Also I'll pass on the guest commentary - but I will happily subscribe and spread word about your channel!