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High-Value Men Assess Yourselves

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  • High-Value Men Assess Yourselves

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    For the longest, I’ve heard many guys complain about women passing them over in their younger days for older established guys, athletes, or bad boys. This propels many men to enhance themselves. However, what contradicts logic is that once these guys become set, whether than dating women that’re their peers, they choose to date younger women with nothing going for themselves other than their looks. Hence, these guys become the men they used to complain about taking the top-notch women in their demographic when the guys were younger. This perpetuates an endless cycle of scorned men dating. Since these guys dislike women who passed them over when they had nothing and envy the chosen guys, it behooves them to break the cycle of bottom-feeding. Therefore, it behooves these men to now date their peers.

    Of course, the argument that these lames make is that women in their 30s and up are quickly approaching the wall—if they haven’t already hit it. Just like when I did this with women, I’m going to do it with men; you’re going to have to lower your standards for looks. Indeed, older women don’t look as good as younger women. However, you have to evaluate what you’re looking for. Do you want an arm-candy or a helpmate?
    If you want the finest sex doll, then go for the youngest woman that fits your criteria; finance them and fulfill your role as their sugar-daddy. Moreover, if you choose this route, then ensure you play this role correctly as well. In other words, control your sugar-baby using your money—since that’s the dynamic of the relationship.
    If you expect your woman to be a helpmate, you have to drop your standards some regarding her looks. Instead of dating 9s and 10s, you may find yourself dating 7s and 8s. Regarding top-notch women in their 30s and up, it’s becoming increasingly simple to find more of them that don’t have children. This is because fewer women are having children because fewer men are creating children. Therefore, one doesn’t have to walk into a ready-made family to date an older woman.
    Now, older women do have more baggage since it’s one’s experiences accumulated over time. However, once again, one has to access one’s motivations. Are your goals to have a luscious arm-candy or a helpmate? I’ve elaborated on the former. For the latter, she’ll have baggage that she’s dealt with. It should go without saying that she can’t bring her baggage to you.

    I’m pointing out these things because the most important aspect of a helpmate is the tangible benefits. I’ve listened to videos by different “dating gurus,” “relationship experts,” and “red pill guys” that’ve talked about what “high-value men” value in dating. The one thing they all agree on is that men don’t value a woman’s money. This is truly laughable. Most of these guys have gone through divorces and lost substantial wealth and had to rebuild. They may not be bitter about it. However, are we saying that it’s a sign of being a man to risk your assets—if a relationship fails? Would you take advice from someone that tells you that? When did taking stupid risks become a manhood test? So, of course, her money matters.
    Furthermore, she can’t just have money for herself. It has to contribute to the relationship. If her money is her money, and your (singular) money is your (plural) money, how is she an asset? Furthermore, if this is the case, it should be okay for a prince to marry a pauper. After all, if the marriage fails, him losing his money should be okay. Thus, guys should quit concerning themselves about losing their assets if a relationship fails.
    I’ll tell you now, even without me having the money to label myself a high-value man, I know that high-value men value money. If you’ve read my posts, you know that I work in a financial field. Thus, if you hear a “high-value man” saying financially illiterate things, know that you’re talking to a high-value trick.

    For various reasons, a woman’s money matters. Given this economy, supporting a comfortable lifestyle for two on one income is extremely taxing. Why do you believe that close to half of the United States’ working population—until recently—consisted of women. Furthermore, even while being in serious relationships, they continue working. If her money weren’t necessary, then many wouldn’t continue working while in a relationship.
    Furthermore, Black men have no right to spout such nonsense since Black women have always worked and contributed financially. Other groups can say differently. However, that doesn’t apply to the Black community. This is one of our nuances.
    Another nuance is that Black men, collectively, are the most receptive to listening to their partner. This was the case even before we became a matriarchy. This is a major reason why women that date interracially on a serious level, not on some fetish stuff, like to date Black men. In other communities, the woman’s input is far more limited. Thus, they become accustomed to taking orders. Black men traditionally seek their mates’ input. This is an aspect of leadership.

    Now, I want to circle back around to dating older women. It may seem like I’m promoting dating mature women. However, I’m promoting dating your peers. You have similar interests and live a similar lifestyle. Thus, the most important component in choosing a mate is present. Never date someone with nothing to lose. This is why guys get fleeced. A woman with nothing on the line can extort you without regarding her reputation because it’s inconsequential to the benefits she derives from squeezing you. Many up-and-coming “high-value men” seem to be throwing this rule by the wayside. They need to see real high-value men or go somewhere to soak upsome game. Players, Macks, Ballers, and Shot-callers all knew this. Moreover, this rule still stands true. You mess with women that’re your peers for this very reason. She has things to lose—in case things go south. Thus, she’s more apt to opt for a clean break than to try to fleece you. Furthermore, her assets are equivalent to yours, so it’s harder for her to come up off you anyway because she has her own.
    Now, you reading this may be thinking that my post contradicts a woman’s hypergamous nature, and you’re right—to a degree. Hypergamy dictates that she goes for the highest caliber guy possible that she can obtain. However, hypergamy doesn’t stop with just money. His personality and traits are a part of this.
    Now, The United States has created a culture of unfiltered hypergamous women with unlimited desires reaching beyond their abilities. However, if you’re a top-notch guy, then you’re the needle in the haystack. Thus, naturally, your circle includes those at your level. So, these typical issues don’t apply to you. Moreover, if they do, change your environment. You can do so. This is what it means to be a high-value man. You don’t adhere to typical restrictions. This is something else that the aforementioned men never suggest. They attempt to give high-value men advice while keeping them in average-man guidelines. Thus, up-and-coming high-value men, find established high-value men to lace you, or some other credible sources. This blog is a good starting place.
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