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White Male Privelege

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  • White Male Privelege

    White men have lots of priveleges in society..... Pls check out my video, hit the like button, and subscribe to my channel

  • #2
    Black men are the lowest socially because white men and white supremacy need it to be like that. The racial hierarchy holds quite steady regardless of time.


    • JudahRising1611
      JudahRising1611 commented
      Editing a comment
      You dont know history and I dont have the time to deal with trolls. I'm glad you look down us. I just cant wait to see your face when the Black Messiah returns. Then you will understand your place in the hierarchy. Shalom!
      Last edited by JudahRising1611; 05-03-2021, 01:46 PM.

  • #3
    "You dont know history and I dont have the time to deal with trolls. I'm glad you look down us. I just cant wait to see your face when the Black Messiah returns. Then you will understand your place in the hierarchy. Shalom!"

    I could care less what you have time for. It's obvious that you don't really have anything to say; you just disagree, which is fine. Black Messiah...ooo you mean a white religious leader that is coated in Black face? No thanks. I'm not interested in how white people think about what's right and wrong. I trust myself before them.

